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Ideas You Could Try for a Dog Fence

Ideas You Could Try for a Dog Fence

Here are some ideas that you should be open to when looking for your very own dog fence.

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Part of the joy of owning a dog is letting them run loose in your yard. However, that’s not so easy if you don’t have a fence. A dog fence allows your dog to get valuable exercise and might let you in on the fun too. There are all kinds of options out there as well, ranging in size and function. What’s right for you and what dog fence will work for your pup? Well, that can depend on a number of factors! Here are some ideas that you should be open to when looking for your very own dog fence.

Wood Fences

If you want to go traditional, you can’t go wrong with wooden dog fences. They offer a natural look, are customizable so you can create one to fit your needs, and they can offer a good amount of privacy depending on what type you pick. Speaking of, there are many styles to consider—a picket fence is a

classic, split-rail fences are also minimalistic but look great, and pallet fences can be a fun DIY project to work on if you only need a dog fence for a smaller area of your yard. Wood fences are one of the easiest options to recommend to people as they’re just so commonly installed.

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Metal Fences

Looking for something durable yet affordable? Look no further than a metal dog fence. Something like a chain link fence can help keep your dog social and able to watch your yard for you. You could also go with something more ornamental like steel or aluminum, which can add some extra aesthetic pop to your yard, though they can be quite costly as an option.

Vinyl Fences

Plastic is very common in dog fences. Specifically, you might want to look at vinyl fencing, which is great because it requires little maintenance and doesn’t crack, rot, or splinter. You can even make vinyl fences look just like a wooden fence. Vinyl fences are easy to clean and are durable enough to last you for years to come, so this is one option that should be considered if you’re looking for a fence for your dog.

Invisible Fencing

If you only want to keep your dog from going where it shouldn’t and don’t care about any of the other benefits of fencing like security or privacy, there is the unique option of choosing an invisible fence. This could be a wireless dog fence, which requires additional training, or some people even use wired fences, which can hurt your dog. If possible, look into a physical boundary or try a wireless dog fence.

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Wrought Iron Fence Facts

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Wrought iron continues to stand the test of time as an iconic fence material selection. It has been around for ages and offers a way to customize that makes it stand out as a special fencing material. Check out some old-school facts about this still popular fencing option.

In the beginning: The handcrafted art of creating wrought iron has its origins way back in the 12 century. The smelting process, extracting metal from ore, allowed the original blacksmiths to access and use more of the metal. “Wrought” is actually the old form of the past tense of work as blacksmiths had to work the iron to create shapes and forge the pieces. You would find a lot of wrought iron around castles and palaces in the Medieval times in Europe. No two pieces were alike as it was a more complicated process by hand.

Industrial Revolution: Production of iron increased at smelting and forging changed with coal replacing wood for extracting the ore and a new tool being introduced. While most of the process was still completed by hand, rolling came into play, which had iron ore bars piled and reheated to be rolled out into more uniform pieces.

In the States: The Colonists brought wrought iron fencing to the US, but the process was expensive, so typically only wealthier families had it in place on their properties. As blacksmithing became more prevalent, the cost went down and wrought iron was more commonly used. Wrought iron fencing was more elaborate as the Victorian era rolled in. The artistic side of wrought iron truly made its way to the top of the artform as details such as scrolls and finials were crafted. This time period is when the traditional look of wrought iron was developed and still stands the test of time today.

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Signs That It’s Time for a Metal Fencing Replacement

Signs That It’s Time for a Metal Fencing Replacement

Metal fences are quite a durable option. However, even the best fence materials can experience wear and tear.

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The concept of metal fencing replacement might seem strange. After all, metal fences are quite a durable option. However, even the best fence materials can experience wear and tear. It’s essential to be proactive in fence maintenance for that reason. Here are the signs that you might need to replace your steel, iron, or aluminum fence.

If Accidental Damage Has Happened to Metal Fencing

Has your fence experienced structural damage from a motor vehicle crash, falling trees, or a weather-related event? If so, then metal fencing replacement should happen as soon as possible. Damaged areas will not only make your fence less durable. However, this damage impacts your safety, privacy, and security.

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Modern metal fencing comes with specialized rust-resistant material. However, metal fences aren’t entirely immune to rust spots. We suggest that you have these spots repaired before they eat away at your fencing and cause it to crumble. We also advise paying close attention to the joints that keep the fence standing. Rusty and corroded joints can cause this structure to lose its structural integrity.

Bent, Warped, Leaning, or Sagging Metal

A leaning fence is a safety hazard no one should ignore. You shouldn’t merely attempt to bend back bent areas because, at this point, there is severe damage. In addition, this type of motion will cause your metal fencing to weaken even further. The structure could fall and hurt someone. Also, as it learns more and more, it could pull down connected fencing materials and nearby structures.

Damaged or Exposed Fasteners

It’s always best to look at the screws or nails holding your fence together. If your fasteners are corroding, sticking out from your fence, are wearing down, or are no longer securing segments of your fence together, your fence has a high chance of falling apart.

Corroding Welds

Metal fences have welded areas that contribute to the fence being so strong. Unfortunately, rust appears at welded joints commonly, causing them to become weak and split. Extensive repairs of welds can be challenging. Therefore, more often than not, a metal fencing replacement is better.

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Things You’ll Want to Know Regarding Wood Rot on Your Fence

Things You’ll Want to Know Regarding Wood Rot on Your Fence

Read on to learn more about how wood rot can impact a fence.

As anyone with a wood fence knows, maintenance is an essential part of owning any fence but in particular, one made of wood. Wood is prone to being damaged in many ways, but thankfully, it’s easily kept away with a few maintenance steps. One kind of issue that many wooden fence owners run into is wood rotting. It’s a real threat to many pieces of outdoor wooden infrastructure and fences are no different. If you’re worried about wood rot in particular, or just want to stay better informed to protect your wooden fence in general, read on to learn more about how wood rot can impact a fence.

Types of Wood Rot

When we say wood rot, we’re referring to both dry rot and wet rot, both of which are caused by fungi. Wet rot is, as the name suggests, much more common when moisture is wet and will attract fungus that prefers moist wood. Comparatively, dry rot only needs 20 to 30 percent moisture content within the wood for it to germinate. While many kinds of fungi can cause wet rot, the only fungi that cause dry rot are Serpula Lacrymans, which can cause rot in more places than just your fence!

How to Tell

If there are multiple kinds of wood rot, how do you tell which is which? Dry rot is usually noticeable due to its ability to crack or split timber. However, this can happen beneath the surface of the fence, so you may not see it. Another sign of dry rot is yellow or grey mycelium which can begin fruiting if given enough time. Wet rot can cause similar cracks but the wood is comparatively damp and soft, accompanied by a musty smell.

Either way, it’s a problem. However, dry rot is generally much worse and requires quick treatment. Dry rot can spread to all kinds of materials so it’s prone to getting on your deck, patio, or even inside your home, requiring expensive repairs if you want to get rid of the problem once and for all.

Prevention and Treatment

Keeping moisture away is necessary for preventing wood rot. This may be because of standing water if your yard is missing drainage or you may need to remove some of the plants around your fence. Removing wet rot is usually as simple as removing the source of moisture and using a fungicide. Dry rot tends to require some more attention and can include removing any affected wood, which is why it’s so important to tackle the issue as early as you can.

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How You Should Seal Your Fencing

How You Should Seal Your Fencing

Here are the best ways you can take steps to effectively and efficiently seal your wooden fence.

Don’t underestimate the power of a wooden fence. In fact, weathering is a common issue among wood fence owners everywhere — particularly in the mid-atlantic region. The reality is, the ultraviolet rays in sunshine can end up wreaking havoc on your wooden fence over time. Ultimately, having some type of protectant on your wooden fence to ensure it stays protected against the weather elements can do wonders towards extending the lifespan of your wooden fence overall. Here are the best ways you can take steps to effectively and efficiently seal your wooden fence and thereby extend the lifespan of your wooden fence overall.

Knowing The Specific Type Of Wood

For the most part, wooden fences can be at higher risk of rotting when they are exposed to external weather elements that can wreak havoc on any type of wooden fence. But, knowing the specific type of wood your fence is made from can help to determine the best course of action to take when it comes to properly treating your wooden fence and taking proactive measures so you avoid any potential rotting in your wooden fence over time. In fact, some types of wood are designed to be more durable than others. The reality is, all wooden fences will typically require waterproofing measures in place so they are less impacted by weather conditions over a period of time. Ultimately, understanding the specific type of wood you are dealing with is a great way to make sure you better understand the overall expected lifespan of your wooden fence overall.

Weather Exposure Ruins Wood Fences

Unfortunately, significant weather exposure will ruin a wooden fence if it’s not treated properly. In fact, lignin is known as a natural polymer found in wood that tends to repel water while also binding it together — the cells themselves. The reality is, wooden fences that are exposed to too much water or too much light will end up getting weaker and weaker over a significant amount of time without the proper seal and protection. Ultimately, there are basically a few proactive measures that homeowners can take to prepare their wooden fences to withstand the test of time — or the unexpected weather elements that might wreak havoc but won’t actually ruin your wooden fence over time.

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Restoring Rusty Wrought Iron Fencing

Restoring Rusty Wrought Iron Fencing

If you have wrought iron fencing that hasn’t been getting the maintenance and upkeep it needs, you may be able to restore it. Read on to learn more.

Wrought iron fencing is one of the most sturdy fencing options available today. Few things come close to the strength and durability of this type of metal fencing. It is not without its drawbacks however. While it is unmatched in terms of stability and aesthetics, it requires considerable maintenance sometimes to keep it that way. Unlike wood and even aluminum fencing, wrought iron rusts. And this rust can lead to structural instability if it is left alone. It also doesn’t look nice. Well-maintained wrought iron fencing is beautiful! But rusty fencing is just scary. If you have wrought iron fencing that hasn’t been getting the maintenance and upkeep it needs, you may be able to restore it. Read on to learn more.

Get Rid Of The Rust

The first thing that you need to do is examine how much rust there is and how much damage it has caused. If it is just surface rust, you are safe to remove it and restore your fence. If the rust has eaten the metal anywhere or left large divots or depressions, you should have a fencing professional check it out before you put too much effort into the project. The fence may need to be replaced, or sections replaced. If the rust is all surface rust, go ahead and remove it with rust remover, a sandblaster, or sanding paper. Remove the old paint so that the new coats will adhere evenly. Once the rust is removed, neutralize the metal to prevent future rust. You can use a commercial rust neutralizer or make your own by combining equal parts lemon juice and vinegar.

Prep Before Paint

Paint the entire fence with a rust-inhibiting primer to seal the metal from the damaging effects of moisture. The primer will also prepare the metal for the actual paint that you will apply next. Apply two coats of primer to the entire fence.


After priming (and allowing it to dry as directed), apply two coats of paint to your fence. The paint should be formulated for metal and a rust-proofing version. Make sure that the coats are thick and thoroughly cover all of the surface of the fence.

Commit To The Maintenance

Finally, once you’ve done this work, don’t throw it away by slacking on maintenance. Check it regularly for signs of peeling or cracking and for any signs that rust is returning.

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Comparing Metal Fencing With Wood Fencing

Comparing Metal Fencing With Wood Fencing

Here’s our comparison of metal fencing and wood fencing.

Considering how much maintenance we put into the rest of our yards, you may not have new fence installation at the top of your mind. With all the benefits of fencing, including containing pets and kids, adding security and privacy, and increasing your home’s curb appeal, it’s no wonder that so many people end up biting the bullet on installing a new fence. What isn’t always clear is what material you should use, however, as many people are stuck between two common options: metal fencing and wood fencing.

Each material has its own advantages, so it’s a question of what suits your particular needs better. Here’s our comparison of metal fencing and wood fencing.


While wood may feel nostalgic and traditional, it also offers rich earthy colors that can go with just about any home style. If you’re looking for something that’s really out there, you can also paint or stain wood fencing to give it a look that’s more specific to your sensibilities.

On the other hand, metal fencing is sometimes perceived as cold and unwelcoming, which can make it perfect for security fencing. However, modern metal fences are incredibly flexible and you can use a number of different metals and accessories to create your own style.

Daily Performance

Due to the nature of wood, wood fencing will often absorb moisture, causing rot and warpage. If you don’t perform adequate maintenance, you can expect a wood fence to deteriorate pretty quickly. Metal fencing on the other hand offers amazing strength and will naturally stand up to the weather much better than a wood fence might.

Regular Maintenance

If you want something you won’t need to maintain regularly, you’re likely looking for something more durable like metal fencing. Most metal fences require very little painting or upkeep due to being galvanized and available in all kinds of finished via powder coatings that also prevent rust. Wood fences will need a bit more, demanding a refinishing every few years if you really want to maintain its look.

Installation Process

Wood fencing materials are usually lighter and easier to install, though since wood can expand and shrink because of moisture, there are some extra considerations you need to factor in. In contrast, metal is a heavy and rigid material that can be difficult for DIY installers to work with. Wood fencing is generally considered to be much easier to install.

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Considerations When Purchasing an Aluminum Fence

Considerations When Purchasing an Aluminum Fence

Here are the biggest things that you will definitely want to think about when it comes time to buy a brand new aluminum fence for your property.

If you are looking for a fence, there are some key things you’ll absolutely want to take into consideration. In fact, when making the big decision about purchasing an aluminum fence, there will always be some essential things you’ll want to take into account. There are a few different things that you’ll want to keep in mind when buying a new fence. Ultimately, having a great aluminum fence will absolutely be amazing for many homeowners — and here are the most important things to keep in mind when on the hunt for a new fence. Here are the biggest things that you will definitely want to think about when it comes time to buy a brand new aluminum fence for your property.

Having A Lifetime Warranty

A key component to any successful fence installation and purchase includes ensuring there’s a lifetime warranty associated with the purchase itself. In fact, there are so many different forms of warranties — especially when it comes to fences. The reality is, when fence shopping, it becomes increasingly important to take note of the potential lifetime warranty options provided. Ultimately, fences should be able to withstand the test of time and many fencing contractors and companies will offer lifetime warranties with the purchase itself.

Think About The Quality Of The Fence

For the most part, having high quality fences become increasingly important when you are shopping for a new fence for your property. In fact, while you might end up getting what you are paying for when purchasing a fence online, it’s often best to choose a more expensive option to guarantee that you are investing in a quality fence that can actually withstand the test of time. Ultimately, you can really see a difference between a quality fence and one that lacks quality. The reality is, poor quality fences are likely to need repairs and replacements a lot sooner than a fence that is designed to last a long time. At the end of the day, investing in a quality fence can really enhance your property overall which is a great way to extend the lifespan of your fence down the line.

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Should I Install a Fence if I Want to Sell My House?

As a homeowner looking to sell your place, there are many questions that you will face in regards to what is best to make your home as marketable as possible. While cosmetic upgrades can be an easy choice, what about a new fence? While every home and neighborhood is different, we look at questions to consider as you work through this decision.

  1. Would a new fence boost your curb appeal? First impressions remain an important part of selling your home. While many buyers will see your home online, it is that initial drive-up and first glimpse that can make an impact. Adding a new stylish border to the front of your home in wrought iron can add some oomph to the initial glance of your property. Wrought iron can be customized by our team through our inhouse weld iron shop right on our property at Fence Masters. 
  2. Are fences common in your particular neighborhood? If most of your neighbors have fencing, it may be a good idea and investment to install one at your home. Whether we believe or not, potential homebuyers will be comparing your home to those around you and others listed for sale in your community. Not having a fence can be a downside if a homebuyer will have to install one soon after the move.
  3. Could a new fence become a selling point? More and more, we all worry about safety and security. Installing a new privacy vinyl fence can become a selling point as it offers both privacy and a sense of safety for potential homebuyers. Vinyl is also an easy fence material to maintain as it only needs a rinse and occasional scrubbing to keep it looking good for a long time. With many pet owners out in the world, it is easier to have a fenced-in backyard to offer a place for dogs to run and play.
  4. Should I replace my current fence if it is not in the best condition? This may be the toughest to determine. If your fence is in need of repairs, it can bring down the curb appeal as potential homebuyers may just see a project to tackle. Making repairs or putting in a new fence can really add some punch to your place.

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