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12 Tips on How To Use Color Effectively In The Garden

Color In the Gardene
Color In the Gardene

Color In the Gardene

There are several elements that make up a well thought out landscape: they include structure, shape, texture, scent, and movement. But for the majority of us home gardeners, the first element we take into consideration when designing our own personal paradise is color.

Thanks to renowned garden authors like Penelope Hobhouse, who wrote Color In Your Garden,  Rosemary Verey, author of Making of A Garden, and Christopher Lloyd’s Gardening Year, (just to name a few), I became enthralled with color in the garden when I first became a passionate gardener in the late 80s. Although I had worked with design and colors for several years in other arenas, learning how to use it effectively in the landscape was something all together different.

Below are 12 Tips About Color Design that I’ve learned over the years.

1. Color is one of the easiest ways of setting a tone and expressing your personality in the garden.

2. Before buying, hold plants up against each other at nursery, lay pots out on the ground prior to planting, do the exercise from my book, Digging Deep, called Playing with Flowers, or pick up a slew of paint swatches from a paint store and experiment with different combinations at home.

3. Know the basic principles of color design.

Primary Colors are red, yellow, and blue
Secondary Colors are created by mixing two primary colors together: orange (red and yellow), green (yellow and blue) and purple (red and blue)
Intermediate or Tertiary Colors are colors that are created by mixing a primary and a secondary color, for example, blue-green
Neutral Colors – black, white, and brown

4. Warm vs. Cool Colors

Bright colors (reds, oranges, and yellows) jump out at you and look best when used in a sunny location.

using red in the gardenPhoto above: a smattering of dark and bright colored tulips at Tennis Court Garden at Chanticleer in Wayne, Pa.

Cool colors (blues, purples, and greens) recede into the background and are most effective when used in a partially shady location or in a climate that experiences a lot of grey skies.

Pale colors, yellows, and whites reflect light and brighten shady spots.

Cool colors and pale shades create a sense of depth in the garden while bright colors make a garden look closer.

Pastels fade in bright sunlight while very warm colors sizzle and come alive.

5. Red infuses a garden with excitement and excitement. Unless creating a ‘hot’ cottage garden, use it sparingly.

contrasting colors in the gardenPhoto AboveEuphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ and red poppies in Sorin Garden, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

6. Keep in mind that, like musical notes, how colors are perceived change depending on the context in which they are used.

A color’s intensity will decrease when placed next to a complementary color but will increase when planted next to a contrasting color.

7. When designing a garden, use the same color repeatedly throughout the border to create a cohesive tapestry.

8. Use dark colors sparingly on a light background to create a powerful combination. The opposite is also true: By using a smattering of light colors on a dark background, the intensity of the design will be heightened.

Primulas in shady rock gardenPhoto Above: Primula Japonica at Chanticleer Gardens

9. Remember that your color palette changes throughout the season. Be mindful of what plants bloom at the same time to make sure that they work well together.

10. The colors of leaves can make as powerful of a statement as flower blossoms. Include them in the equation when you are deciding what to plant where.

stobilanthes, pink salvia, carexPhoto above: Strobilanthes dyerianus (Persian shield), pink salvia, and carex sp. in Sorin Garden, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

11. Don’t think of green as a boring color. You can create an outstanding composition by using silver, light, dark, deep, and chartreuse leaved plants. Keep in mind that the texture of the foliage of the plants has an effect on the design.

Cotinus coggygria 'Golden Spirit'*Photo above:  Cotinus coggygria ‘Ancot’ GOLDEN SPIRIT creates a magnificent contrast against the grass.

12. Discard what the doyennes of taste or experts advise when deciding how much and what colors to use in your garden. Follow your instincts and create a color palette that pleases your eye!

Now it’s your turn! Share a color combination that you’ve used in your garden and love.

Please note: A source for some of the information for the above article is from NYBG’S Color Theory In The Garden.

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FAQs About Vinyl Fencing

FAQs About Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl is one of the most popular materials selected by homeowners in Illinois and Indiana for residential fences. At Fence Masters, we specialize in vinyl fencing installation and guarantee that our fencing will be the last fence you ever need! If you’ve been thinking about installing a vinyl fence on your property but have some questions first, here’s a look at some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about vinyl fences:

Why Are Vinyl Fences Such a Popular Choice?

Vinyl fences are our best-selling fence material for a reason: they look great, are extremely durable, are easy to clean, and can be very affordable too! Vinyl can be offered in a few different style and color options as well, all of which look fantastic!

Do I Have to Worry about Discoloration or Weathering of My Vinyl Fence?

One of the things that our customers love most about their vinyl fences is the fact that environmental elements (like rain, snow, sun, moisture, and wind) don’t cause the same level of harm to vinyl that other materials suffer. In fact, you should never have to worry about discoloration of your vinyl fence or excessive weathering. The fences that we offer have UV inhibitors and other additives that are designed to protect the fences from wear and tear of harsh weather and from breaking down in the sunlight.

How Long Should I Expect My Vinyl Fence to Last?

As stated above, we guarantee that this will be the last vinyl fence you ever need! Indeed, the majority of fences offered by Fence Masters are designed to last a lifetime. That being said, we do offer a five-year warranty on all of our installations for fencing and a one-year warranty for gates and back all manufacturing warranties.

What Type of Maintenance Does a Vinyl Fence Require?

Homeowners that aren’t interested in constantly having to service and repair their fences love the fact that vinyl fences are so easy to maintain. These fences are so easy to clean and take care of – all you need to do is spray the fence down with the hose if the fence accumulates dirt, debris, or grass clippings. Even harder-to-remove materials, such as paint, can usually be removed with a pressure sprayer.

Can Vinyl Break Easily?

You don’t want to buy a fence only to have it break on you. If properly installed, your fence should not break under normal conditions, including harsh weather. The fence will likely only be at risk of breaking if a severe amount of force is applied, such as the fence being hit by a vehicle.

How Can I Learn More About Vinyl Fencing?

If you think that vinyl is the right choice for your residential fence, call Fence Masters today to learn more. You can reach our office at 708-758-5250 , or by sending us a message by filling out the intake form on our website.

Summary: If you have been thinking about a vinyl fence, consider the following answers to FAQs about vinyl fencing.

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Top Causes of Fence Rot and How to Prevent it from Happening

For homeowners who have wooden fences installed on their properties, proper maintenance and care of the fence are important. While wood can be a very affordable and attractive material, unfortunately, when a wooden fence is improperly installed or cared for, fence rot may occur. The following considers everything you need to know about fence rot, including how to prevent it from happening–

What Is Fence Rot?

Rot occurs as a result of exposure to the environment and is extremely common in wooden fences. It is characterized by the deterioration of the wood, and if unchecked, can eventually lead to the collapse of the fence. There are two primary types of wood rot: dry rot and wet rot.

Wet rot is the most common type of fence rot and occurs when there is too much moisture on the wood. Because the ground is often especially moist, wet rot will usually occur at the base of the fence or on the fence posts. You can usually identify it visually as it may be accompanied by fungal growth, and may notice a musty smell as well.

Dry rot, on the other hand, occurs when your fence is constantly exposed to harsh, dry, and sunny circumstances. This dries out the wood to the point where it may actually crumble in your hand!

How to Prevent Fence Rot

The best way to prevent fence rot is to be aware of the different rot risks for different materials – hardier woods include choices like juniper and cedar, whereas more rot-susceptible woods are pine and tamarack. Of course, choosing a non-wood material is always an option!

If your wood fence is already installed, making sure that it is properly stained on an annual basis is important. You should also apply a protective sealant over the wood to help keep out moisture.

Finally, keep your fence clean and inspect in on a regular basis to check for rot or other damage. The sooner that you spot something and address the problem, the better.

Our Fence Specialists Can Help

At Fence Masters, our fence installation professionals serving Illinois and Indiana are available to answer any questions you have about wooden fences and fence rot. If your fence is in need of fence repair or replacement, we’re your team. We specialize in new fence installation for residential homeowners and offer great financing options. To learn more, contact us today at 708-758-5250 or by sending us a message now.

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What’s the Best Material to Choose for a Residential Fence?

Homeowners who are considering the installation of a residential fence have a lot of different options when it comes to material choices. At Fence Masters, we specialize in the installation of vinyl fences, wrought iron fences, aluminum fences, wood fences, and chain-link fences. We know that each different fence material has some benefits and some disadvantages and that choosing the best one for your home can be challenging. Here’s a look into some different factors to consider when choosing a material for your residential fence installation–


Because budget can be a very limiting factor, your budget should be the first thing that you think about. Not all fence materials cost the same. For example, chain-link fences are typically pretty inexpensive but don’t offer the same aesthetic appeal that other fence materials–like stone or concrete–do. Vinyl is the most popular choice that is pretty affordable, but more expensive than wood up front. Put your budget together and then call us to learn more about what you can afford.


Another thing to think about when choosing a fence material is the purpose you want your fence to serve. Is your fence meant to be decorative and part of your landscape? Do you need to keep pets and young children in? Or if your fence being installed for privacy and protection? For privacy, wood and vinyl are great options, as they are both opaque. You can save money by choosing a smaller, wood picket fence if you just want to keep a child or pet in (assuming your dog can’t jump over the fence!). Tip: prioritize your needs over your wants.


Once you are pretty clear about what you need your fence for and how much you can afford, the next thing to think about is how much time and money you’re willing to dedicate towards the maintenance of your fence. Vinyl fences are often the choice for homeowners who don’t want to have to worry about maintenance or cleaning at all as these fences require little care over the years. Wrought iron fences, chain-link fences, and wood fences, on the other hand, can all suffer damage over the years and may need more TLC.

Learn More About the Fence That’s Right for You

To learn more about the different types of fences available and the fence that is right for you, reach out to Fence Masters today. We have locations in both Illinois and Indiana and have been specializing in residential fence installation for over 35 years. Reach us at 708-758-5250 or send us a message using the intake form on our website.

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What Fence Type Should I Get?

The right fence type can really enhance the look of your home and add a healthy dose of curb appeal. But which kind of fence is right for you? Here are three things to consider when deciding what fence style you should get:

1. Purpose

aluminum fence dog protectionThere are a few factors to consider when deciding what fence will work for you and your home. First, what is the main purpose of the fence? If it’s to keep your dog in the yard, you’ll need to consider the size of the dog. A fence with narrowly spaced pickets may be better for a smaller dog, and a taller fence would likely be a smarter pick for a larger dog or a dog that is known to jump. If you’re looking for a fence for pool safety, there are certain fences that meet “pool code,” which you’ll need to consider. Maybe you’re looking for some seclusion from the neighbors. In that case, check out privacy fencing options. Whatever your reason for wanting a fence, there are plenty of fence styles to suit your needs.

2. Surrounding Area

neighborhoodYou should also check to see what fence type others in your neighborhood have already installed. If picket fences are the style that everyone seems to have, maybe choosing a picket fence of your own is your best bet. Or maybe you’d rather stand out among the crowd and go for something totally different! Whichever direction you choose to go in, it’s good to at least consider the styles of existing fencing in the neighborhood and area directly surrounding your property. If you live in a neighborhood with a homeowners association, there may be restrictions on what kind of fence you can have. It would be best to check on that first to make sure you know what your options are.

3. Architectural Style

colonial home with picket fenceAnother major factor to consider is your house itself. A white picket fence would look great with a cottage or Cape Cod style home, but can you imagine a white picket fence with an ornate Victorian home? It might look a little silly – a Victorian would probably be better served by a more stately looking aluminum fence. A ranch style home might look great with traditional split rail, where a modern home might look nice with a horizontal fence or basketweave. If you’re having your fence installed, your salesperson can help you decide what style will fit best with your home and your needs.


If you’re in the Delaware Valley and can’t decide what fence type makes the most sense for you, give us a call and one of our fence experts can help you determine what kind of fence you need!

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Should I Paint or Stain My Fence?

So you got a new fence, and now you have a few questions. Won’t my fence age over time? Do I have to seal it somehow? There are three basic options for “finishing” a fence: painting, staining, or leaving it natural. There are benefits and drawbacks to each option. We are here to help you decide which route is the best for you!


Painting fences was more popular before there were so many options for stains. We would least recommend painting, because it does require a lot of maintenance. If you do decide to go ahead and paint your fence, you can expect to have to repaint it every 1-3 years, as paint does tend to crack and peel.

painted fence

Also keep in mind that once you do need to repaint, you will need to scrape off all of the existing paint, prep the surface for new paint, and then finally repaint. It is a lot of work and a lot of time, and over time the painting and repainting will end up costing you more.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: “but how else do I get that white picket fence look?” Well, there are a few options. One is to buy a white vinyl picket fence. Vinyl will never need to be stained, painted, or maintained other than a good cleaning every once in a while. The other option is to use a solid white stain. Read on to find out more about this option!


Stain wins over paint most of the time, and that’s because it requires so much less maintenance than paint. It may be a higher cost initially, but you will not need to re-stain over and over again.

Eventually the stain will fade and need to be redone, but not nearly as frequently as paint. Stain does not peel or crack, so it requires way less preparation than repainting. A good power wash or washing with a deck cleaner will give you a clean slate to work with before re-staining, without all the scraping and peeling.

fence stain

There are a lot of options when it comes to staining your fence. One option is a solid stain, which, as mentioned above, will give you that traditional “white picket” look without all the maintenance of paint. Or, if you really love the look of natural wood and just want to protect your fence, there are plenty of semi-transparent options to choose from, too. There are even clear options that simply serve to waterproof and protect your fence.


natural weathered white cedar fenceThe third option for finishing a fence is simply leaving it natural and allowing it to weather over time. This option, of course, requires the least amount of effort, but it does leave room for the elements to take a toll on your fence over time. However, the rustic, weathered look is popular these days, and quality wood will last a while even if it is left to the elements.

Simply power washing or pressure washing your natural fence can bring it back to life, too, if you choose not to paint or stain but would like to try and keep the “new” look.

White cedar ages to a beautiful, silvery grey. Many people really like this look, and will choose it over attempting to preserve the brand new look.


Which will you choose?

Definitely be sure to consider the time, cost, and which option best complements the style of your home and property.

Leave pictures of your finished fence in the comments below, so we can see what you decided to do!

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What are the most durable types of fences?

The purpose of a fence is simple: It defines property lines, provides privacy and offers protection. For properties that have a fence, it is an integral part of the landscape.

Constantly exposed to the elements, fences can rot, crack, split and otherwise fall apart over time if not manufactured out of a highly durable material. As fencing is so important and should last many, many years, it is important that the material used is as durable as possible.

While there are several different types of materials that fences can be made of, and some materials are much more durable than others.

The most durable fencing materials include:

  • Vinyl: Vinyl, or PVC, is one of the most popular fencing materials, primarily because of its unmatched durability. It is resistant to the elements, which means that it won’t rot, rust, crack or splinter when exposed to hot and cold temperatures as well as moisture. A vinyl fence is a great option in climates that experience a variety of weather conditions.
  • Wrought Iron: This material is extremely strong, which makes it difficult to break. It won’t crack or splinter when exposed to the elements and is a great choice for security purposes.
  • Galvanized Chain Link: When sealed with a special coating, chain link is an extremely durable fencing material. A galvanized chain link fence offers excellent security, and because of the special coating, it more resistant to the effects of the elements.

If you are interested in having a fence installed in the Chicago area, you should contact Fence Masters. With over 30 years of experience, we are one of the leading Chicago fence installation companies and the largest fence contractor in all of the Midwest. For a durable fence at an affordable price, contact us today. We are happy to discuss all of your fencing needs.

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“The Less is More Garden,” Book Giveaway

Update, Sat. Feb. 10: AND THE WINNER IS…Susie Johnson! I’ve notified her and “The Less is More Garden” will soon be on its way to her from publisher Timber Press.
Many, many thanks to all of you for participating! — Debra

Author/Landscape Designer Susan Morrison

I’ve long admired the wit and wisdom of Bay Area landscape designer Susan Morrison, whom I see at garden events and follow on Facebook. So when I found out she’d authored The Less is More Garden: Big Ideas for Designing Your Small Yard (Timber Press, 2018), I knew I had to have it.

Enter to win a copy of The Less is More Garden: Big Ideas for Designing Your Small Yard, simply by leaving a comment below. (To qualify, you must be 18 or older and have a mailing address in the US or Canada.) The winner will be chosen at random and notified via email Sat., Feb. 10. I’ll also put the winner’s name at the top of this post. Best of luck! 

If you’re in the Pacific Northwest, be sure to attend presentations by Susan Morrison and myself during the 2018 Northwest Flower and Garden Show. I’m presenting on Designing with Succulents Wed., Feb. 7 at 11:15 and Thurs., Feb. 8 at 12:30. Morrison is presenting Thurs., Feb. 8. at 2:15; Sat., Feb. 10 at 3:00, and doing “Container Wars” Sat, Feb. 11 at 11:30. 

Here’s Morrison’s “less is more philosophy” of garden design:

— Less space, more enjoyment
— Less effort, more beauty
— Less maintenance, more relaxation
— Less gardening-by-the-numbers, more YOU.

In The Less is More Garden: Big Ideas for Designing Your Small Yard, Morrison’s practical, readable style expands on key points via case studies and illustrations anyone can relate to. The book is full of light-bulb moments. You find yourself thinking, “Why, yes, of course,” while wondering why such terrific insights on gardens, design, and outdoor enhancements hadn’t dawned on you before.

Susan Morrison owns Creative Exteriors Landscape Design, located in the East Bay near San Francisco.

Some Morrison gems

Every page and caption in the book contains kernels of wisdom that can be put to practical use. For example:

— “Just as the kitchen is the heart of the home, the patio is the center of the backyard.”

— “Avoid hard benches, undersized seating, or essentially anything that makes the backyard less comfortable to be in.”

— “A table for dining on one side and a lounge chair for relaxing on the other establish two garden destinations in a relatively small area.”

— “Create one strong or meandering curve as a counterpoint to the more rigid shapes elsewhere in the yard.”

— “Angular stone [gravel] compacts more efficiently [than rounded gravel] and therefore makes for a more stable walking surface.”

Now it’s your turn! Leave a comment and you’re automatically entered to win a copy of The Less is More Garden: Big Ideas for Designing Your Small Yard. See you in Seattle? Say yes! 

The post appeared first on Gardening Gone Wild

How to Easily Build a Custom DIY Fence

For properties with unique features or owners who want their backyards to be the talk of the town, DIY building a custom fence is the way to go. Plus, by building your own fence, you will save money on installation, and you’ll take pride in the accomplishment of making something that’s both functional and aesthetically enjoyable for years.

While some might intimidated by customizing a DIY fence, luckily customization is just a small part of the process. Building a fence can be easy, especially if you have a little guidance! By using standard materials and installation techniques, you can successfully build a beautiful fence that is uniquely your own! Here are some considerations to help you plan and build your custom fence.

Building a Fence on an Slope or Uneven Ground

One reason you may need to install a custom fence is because of the topography of your yard. Do you want to fence off a yard on a severe slope or a terraced property? Do you have a jagged border with your neighbor or old growth trees you want to avoid cutting down? Maybe that rock climbing wall you installed is at an awkward angle? Whatever the reason, here are some ideas to help you choose a customized fence solution for your sloped or uneven yard.

  • A stepped fence works well for sloped ground. Each panel maintains a 90-degree angle, but the panels are connected in a step fashion: each panel will be slightly taller than the one next to it. While this solution does leave some gaps underneath the fence, those can be filled in with landscaping. A stepped fence is perfect for creating privacy or separation.A contoured fence on gently rolling hills
  • A contoured fence works well with gentle hills or slopes to create a fence that hugs the ground. This option is also ideal if you have pets you want to corral, or if you want to keep small animals like rabbits out of your yard. Rather than being completely level on top, the fence may change in height depending on the ground beneath it.
  • Rackable fence panels are a great option for slopes as well. With rackable panels, the pickets can move so that when you line the fence rails up with the ground, the pickets still run vertically. A fence that contours to fit your property gives your yard a more uniform look.

With any of these options, using pre-made fence panels is the easiest way to install your fence. While you will need to connect the panels at different heights for a stepped fence and may need to custom cut a contoured fence, the pre-made panels will save you the work of building and measuring your own panels from individual pickets. Check out How to Build a DIY Fence on a Slope for additional advice on fencing a steep section of your yard.

Making a Statement with Unique Fencing Materials

Building a customized fence in the suburbs is different than building one in town. It’s always a good idea to check what rules may apply to your property before starting your fencing project, including fence height restrictions, accepted types of fencing materials, and how far the fence can be from your property line. Since the Fence Authority installs a lot of fence around Pennsylvania, especially the West Chester, PA area, we have some advice on fencing requirements in PA as well as West Chester that you should check out before you begin installing your fence.

If you have free reign over your fence design, you can go wild! Aluminum fences are a great option since they mimic older wrought iron fences but are much more durable and weather-proof. Aluminum can be formed into contemporary designs for a modern home, or it can complement a Victorian home’s decorative gingerbread-style elements. You can also save quite a bit of money when you decided to install an aluminum fence yourself.

How to install a customized aluminum fence

If you are looking for a wood or vinyl privacy fence with no spaces, there is still room for customization. The easiest element to make a unique statement is the post cap. While most people opt for post caps that match the color and style of the fence so they blend into the overall design, you can choose post caps in a different color or material. You can even find post caps with unique and helpful features like solar lighting.

Contemporary and modern designs for customized aluminum fences.

To see what fences materials are available for purchase right now, visit our shop.

Adding Customization to a Fence After Installaion

If you want to add a bit of creativity to a plain fence that has already been installed, painting or staining are great options. Ideas for how to decorate your customized fencePaints and stains can also help freshen up the look of a fence that is slightly worn or that has been around so long that it’s starting to bore you. With a little creativity, there’s a lot of ways you can easily jazz up your fence. Below are a few ideas:

  • Add a pop of color by painting your fence! A wood fence can actually benefit from paint since the right kind of paint can help protect the wood. Stain can give your fence a richer look while a bright color can really make your fence stand out. Unlike wood, aluminum and vinyl fences are not great candidates for paint, which takes away one of their biggest benefits—being maintenance-free!
  • Consider going with a theme for your backyard! Maybe instead of having a fence that stands out, you want your fence to be backdrop for the design of your backyard.
  • Put your green thumb to good use by adding landscaping elements to make your backyard oasis complete. Fences can be a great structure to grow vines on too!


Installing Your Custom Fence Yourself

 No matter which option you choose, installing your custom fence yourself is easier than you think. When you purchase a DIY fence kit like The Fence Authority’s EZ Fence 2 Go products, you’ll get high-quality fence materials and easy DIY assembly instructions. Check out our DIY fence guide and leave us your DIY fence customization questions in the comments section below.

Download DIY Fence Guide


The post How to Easily Build a Custom DIY Fence appeared first on The Fence Authority Blog.

How to Estimate the Cost of a New Privacy Fence

New Privacy Fence

If you’re looking for a way to make your backyard oasis a little more secluded, a privacy fence is a perfect addition for your home. Privacy fences are great because they add security, block prying eyes, and let your furry friends run around leash-free in your backyard.

Building a privacy fence can give you peace of mind, especially if you have young children or pets, but they do require an investment from the homeowner. Whether you are choosing to install a privacy fence yourself like a DIY pro or go with a professional fence company, there are a few factors you have to take into consideration when estimating privacy fence costs.

Here are some suggestions to consider when estimating the cost of a privacy fence. Use this list to help guide your decision making:

1. Check Your Zoning Laws and HOA

Before purchasing any materials, you should make sure your fence will meet your local county requirements and that you have permission to install it. First, you will need to know where you property lines are. If you have any doubts, have a survey done. You should also check your local zoning laws before seriously investing time and money into fence installation. Depending on where you live, there might be height limitations and boundary requirements for fences.

After verifying your local zoning laws, it’s not a bad idea to check with your local Homeowner’s Association (HOA) too. They might have strict guidelines about the types of fences, including materials and colors, you can build on your property. It’s always better to make sure sooner rather than later that your fence meets requirements and that you have permission to build it.

The Fence Authority has been installing fences around West Chester, PA and Montgomeryville, PA for over two decades, so we know a thing or two about fence laws and requirements in Pennsylvania. If you’re curious to learn more about how to find your property line, ask a professional before you start installing.

2. Mark Off Your Utilities

If you do not have a fence around your property already, you are going to have to mark the utility lines before building a privacy fence. Marking off your utilities sounds like a no-brainer, but sometimes this step gets overlooked. Not marking off your utility lines could lead to a nasty surprise like accidentally hitting pipes or wires underground while installing your fence—ouch!

You don’t want your fence directly on top of utility lines either. If the county has to do repair work, your brand new privacy fence might be torn out of the ground, and you’ll have to start all over again. Before digging, call 811 to get in touch with your local utility companies.

3. Determine Land Area and Grading

land are and gradning fence installation

Alright, so now that you know where your property line is located, you’ve marked off your utilities, and you have the go-ahead to install a privacy fence, it’s time to figure out where exactly it’s going to be on your property. If you live in a townhome community or subdivision, you probably already have a plat that shows the divisions of your land drawn to scale. If you do not have a plat, you can purchase a measuring wheel to determine the amount of fencing materials needed.

While measuring, remember that you are going to be installing a fence post about every six to eight feet depending on the style of fence and panel size selected. Many DIY fence builders forget to account for posts, which are often the most expensive part of the installation. Fence posts must be buried at least three feet into the ground and set with concrete, adding to the cost. If you’re a determined DIYer, we have all the info you need on how to install fences posts that stay put.

If you are building a privacy fence on a slope, you are also going have to consider how to install the fence on an angle. A sloped landscape means more work, as you have to dig, plant posts, pour concrete, and balance the fence. For DIYers, building on a slope can be a time-consuming challenge to tackle. If you hire a professional company, this additional work could lead to higher costs due to longer installation time.

4. Choose Your Privacy Fence Materials

Now that you have the area measured, you’re ready to select your materials! Typically, privacy fences are about six feet in height and come in pre-built panels. Wooden and vinyl privacy fences are both popular choices for homeowners.

Wooden privacy fences come in several different styles depending on your preference. For those who enjoy home decor, wooden fences are easy to customize with stain or paint to make them all your own, but you will need to reapply stain and paint annually.

If you want a privacy fence that needs little to no maintenance, a vinyl privacy fence or semi-private fence might be a good choice. Vinyl privacy fences are one of the more expensive fencing materials, but have a longer life than wood and require little maintenance. Vinyl comes in similar styles to wood privacy fences, including solid boards and panels with a lattice top.

Choose the material that suits your needs, but remember that going with the cheapest option might not be the best idea long term. A less expensive wood often means it’s of a lower quality and will have to be replaced sooner. A cheaper vinyl fence can mean that the vinyl is thinner and requires more support. Building a privacy fence is an investment, and it’s wise to consider possible upkeep in the future as well as the initial price of installation. Check out the top 7 privacy fence styles you can purchase online today.


5. Weight the Costs: Labor vs DIY

land are and gradning fence installationInstalling your own fence is where DIYers can save the most money. Just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your fence won’t be either. If want to get the most out of building your own fence, research how to install a fence, grab a buddy, and take your time. We also have EZ Fence 2 Go systems that make putting up your own fence a breeze.

To eliminate mistakes, DIYers should seriously consider getting a friend to help with installation. For example, it’s hard for a person to attach panels evenly alone. Taking your time during construction is important too, as attaching panels before the cement around your posts is completely dry will make your fence crooked.

If you want to install a privacy fence right away with no hassle, consider contacting a professional fencing company. While the cost of labor will be higher than doing it on your own, the fence will be installed faster, and you’ll avoid getting frustrated over a DIY job gone wrong.

Want to install a privacy fence?

If you’re ready to install a privacy fence around your property, let us know! Check out the privacy fences we have in stock to get started. If you don’t feel 100% confident in your ability to install a privacy fence and want to sit back and relax, we can help with our professional fence installation service. If you live in West Chester, PA or Montgomeryville, PA, just let us know how we can help you make your backyard the private oasis you’ve always wanted and contact us today.

Contact us about your new fence!


The post How to Estimate the Cost of a New Privacy Fence appeared first on The Fence Authority Blog.

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