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Considerations Before Building Your Dog Fence

Considerations Before Building Your Dog Fence

What are some of the considerations that you should make before building a dog fence?

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Your furry friends are part of your family, and it only makes sense that you want to keep them as safe as possible while they’re  inside or outside of your house. One of the best ways to keep them safe when outside is a dog fence. Whether you have a small dog that runs very quickly or a large dog that has a lot of weight it can use to throw against something, having the right fence for your needs is important. What are some of the considerations that you should make before building a dog fence?

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Jump Height

Even if you don’t think of your dog as being able to jump high, it will shock you to see how high a big dog can jump when it is motivated to do so. When building your dog fencing, you should keep in mind the maximum height that your dog might be able to reach when jumping in the air. In general, most homeowners can safely make the fence 6 feet tall. If your dog is prone to jumping or a very tall, going higher might be a good idea.


Beyond jumping, your dog also might try to climb the fence. When building a dog fence, it’s a good idea to choose materials that are not easy to climb. For example, do not choose a chain-link fence. These are very easy for dogs to get a foothold in or get stuck in. However, choosing a panel fence made of wood or vinyl will remove some of the ease of climbing.


Does your dog bark and get agitated whenever it spots a person walking by or a squirrel? In those cases, it can be a nuisance for you and for your neighbors. When designing your dog fence, consider using solid panel privacy fencing material. This will stop your dog from being able to see what’s going on on the other side of the fence, which means that they also will not be able to bark at everything on the other side of your fence.

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Benefits of Having a Fence at Your Commercial Business

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As a business owner, you are consistently investing in your business – whether that’s in infrastructure or workforce development. A smart investment that you should consider is the installation of a new or upgraded fence around your property at your commercial business. There are many benefits to adding this to your infrastructure, including boosting your property’s value and beyond.

Here we take a look at the reasons to put in a new fence today at your business:

  1. More privacy: Depending on what type of business you have, it can be important to have a privacy fence installed at your place for a more private perimeter. Privacy fencing is best in either wood or vinyl. Wood fencing can add a classic look to your place while offering coverage. Vinyl or PVC fencing is a more low maintenance option to add privacy to your place. This fencing just needs a rinse or light scrubbing to keep it looking new and fresh.
  2. Access control: When you have your fence installed, you can also choose from various options for your gate or gates. You can decide on where there should be access points as well as what type of gate will serve your employees the best. Beyond manual gates that need an employee to operate, you can install an electronic gate operator that is accessed through a keypad, card or key or that is activated by a motion sensor. An enclosed area with limited access points can create a better sense of safety at your place.
  3. Safety and security: Of course, a huge benefit of a fence is the safety that it can provide your property. A new fence is not only good for deterring break-ins, but also for keeping critters and wildlife off of your property. A stronger sense of security will help your employees and clients feel safer.
  4. Sense of style: You can add a new vibe to your commercial property just as you would your home through the many options of fencing material. Even within the option of chain-link fencing, you can select color and gauge size to help customize your fencing to your particular property. An area of wrought iron fencing can also provide an avenue to add style to a commercial space. Our in-house shop creates customized wrought iron pieces for our clients.
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How to Know Your Wood Fence Has Termites

How to Know Your Wood Fence Has Termites

Here are some excellent tell tale signs of termites in your wood fence.

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There is really no denying that wood fences are very popular among homeowners everywhere. In fact, wood fences can be wonderfully beneficial for a number of different reasons — but with wood fences, comes the potential for termites. The reality is, proper care and maintenance makes a world of a difference when it comes to keeping your wood fence safe and secure overall. Ultimately, termites are incredibly destructive and can totally ruin a perfectly beautiful wooden fence. Here are some excellent tell tale signs of termites in your wood fence.

Any Mud Tubes

One of the key signs of termites living in your wooden fence includes mud tubes. In fact, termites tend to present themselves as the base of the wood fence generally. The reality is, termites typically use these mud tunnels to get around — and create their respective colonies. Ultimately, the bigger the mud tubes and the more you have, the more compromised your wooden fence will be — which usually means it might be necessary to replace your wooden fence and start from new.

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Signs Of Visible Holes And Sawdust

Unfortunately, if you are already seeing visible holes and sawdust on your wood fence, it might signal that termites have already wreaked havoc on it. In fact, if you begin to see that there are large holes throughout the fence itself, it’s probably due to a termite infestation. The reality is, termites will eat into the fence itself — particularly via the mud tunnels discussed previously. Ultimately, if you can see many different holes, then contacting a professional to examine the destruction and find a proper solution is usually going to be your best bet.

Actually Seeing Termites

Most obviously, if you can visibly see termites on your fence, then the infestation is all too real. In fact, it can be quite difficult to notice the presence of termites, but if you do, then there really is no question that the infestation has happened and you’ll want to consider the options available — most like a fence replacement — to best remedy the issue effectively and efficiently. The reality is, termites are common among wood fences, but it becomes increasingly important to make sure that you protect your wooden fence against any termites so it can really withstand the test of time.

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Why a Vinyl Fence is the Best Option for Winter

Why a Vinyl Fence is the Best Option for Winter

Today, we’ll be explaining why getting a vinyl fence is a smart choice for the winter season.

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The cold weather is in full swing now, and that means you’ll be experiencing plenty of snow and hail as the weeks pass by. Even so, you might still be thinking about getting new installations done for your landscape, especially since many companies aren’t as busy during the winter season. One thing you might be thinking about getting is a new fence, but with so many materials to choose from, you might be struggling to determine what type of fence to get. We advise that you use vinyl fencing, especially during winter. Today, we’ll be explaining why getting a vinyl fence is a smart choice for the winter season.

You Don’t Need to Paint Them

Any time you can cut down on maintenance, it works to your benefit. What’s great about a vinyl fence is that you won’t have to add more paint or stain, something that can’t be said for iron or wood fences. Your vinyl fence will be resistant to chipping, fading, and peeling, even during the harsh winter weather.

A Vinyl Fence Has Weather Resistance

While moisture may cause problems for other fences, such as wooden and chain-link ones, a vinyl fence won’t have any issues. Vinyl fences can handle practically any weather condition thrown their way. This makes them much safer investments that will last you for years down the road.

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There are Plenty of Design Options

No one like the maintenance that comes with wooden fences, but perhaps you like how these fences look, and that’s what making you consider installing one. Before you make a decision, though, we want to let you know that vinyl fencing has plenty of design options, including ones that replicate the look of other fences. This way, you can have whatever look you want while still having the benefit of a maintenance-free fence.

Vinyl Fencing Has Longevity

The durable nature of vinyl fencing allows it to last for years. This means you’ll get plenty of value out of your investment. It also means you won’t have to replace your fence as often, which saves you time and money later on.

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Fence Decorations You Can Use This Holiday Season

Fence Decorations You Can Use This Holiday Season

There are many fence decorations you can consider using during the holiday season.

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A big part of celebrating the winter holidays is being able to decorate your yard and show off your festive side to everyone around you. One way you can get into the festive spirit is by decorating your fence. While it may not be the first area around your house that you would think to decorate, there are plenty of ways to get your fence looking good for the holidays. Here are some fence decorations you can consider using during the holiday season.

Festive Lights

Lights are a classic, and they serve well as fence decorations that can let people know you’re in a festive mood. You can get lights in many different colors, allowing you to achieve whatever aesthetic you want for your landscape. It’s also nice that lights are fairly easy to install on your fence, so they’re the perfect idea if you don’t have a lot of time for decorating. You even have the benefit of making your yard visible at night. When you consider that the sun sets earlier during winter, it’s great when you have lights along your fence to keep your yard looking beautiful, even after sunset.

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Wreaths are also among the easier fence decorations you can pick. There are wreaths you can purchase in stores, or you could make one yourself. Either way, they add more visual appeal to your fence, and allow you to show your festive side in a simple, yet effective manner. Just make sure to space your wreaths out so that your fence doesn’t appear too cluttered. You also want to be sure they are securely fastened so that they don’t get knocked down by the weather.

Wooden Letters

One of the other fence decorations you can try is the use of wooden letters to spell out festive messages. Because you can pick whatever letters you please, you can express your joy for whatever holiday you may be celebrating. There are even letters that have lights on them, so your holiday messages can be seen at nighttime.

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Winter Fence Maintenance Tips

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Your fence needs some TLC even when it is hidden behind any layers of snow during the winter months. Keeping your fence looking good year after year and extending its life means that you should work on it at some point during every season.

Check out some main maintenance tips for your fence that can help it last through another winter and beyond.

Wood Fence Winter Tips

Wood fencing continues to be a popular choice for residential fencing as it has a natural beauty that can also offer privacy. If you have wood fencing, check it out thoroughly as the days get colder and before too much snow starts piling up. If you see any rotting pieces or major damage, address it sooner vs. later. Our team at Fence Masters offers repair services for all types of fencing that we’ve installed. If your fence is good to go but has some dirt or debris visible, then pressure wash it or use a mild soap and water to gently scrub any tough stains, mold or mildew areas.

As winter rolls on, you should keep an eye on any overhanging trees that are near your fencing. You do not want to let any heavy and wet snow build up on limbs as these could crack and land on your wood fence. A tree limb landing on your fence could cause cracks or damage. Prevent this from happening by watching your snow buildup.

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Vinyl Fence Winter Tips

Vinyl or PVC fencing is strong, durable and flexible. It is also a top choice for homeowners seeking a long-lasting solution to a private yard. Beyond keeping snow from building up around the base of your vinyl fence, you should also not keep any items near it. Having any tools, too many decorations or storage items hanging around your fence can cause problems. Store your items securely away from your fencing panels. Objects around your fence can become a problem as the winter snow builds up. Brush off heavy snow and clear it out on warmer or sunnier winter days.

Tips for All Types of Fencing

In general, it is best to watch your fence in the winter for signs of damage, cracks, debris, peeling paint or stain and beyond. By addressing any issues as soon as you catch them, you will help your fence stay looking fabulous! Be careful how you remove snow around your fence, so that you do not scratch it or hit it with a shovel.

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Help Your Fence Survive a Heavy Snowfall

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Winter can take a toll on your fence – especially vinyl fencing. While you should maintain your fence – no matter the material – all year long, here are some tips to keep your vinyl fence at its best all winter long.

Debris be gone: Before too much snow falls, take time to address the leaves, sticks and debris that may have collected around the base of your fence during the fall season. The buildup of heavy debris can cause issues around your fence, such as warping. Plus, it will be easier to deal with any snow if the fall debris has been removed.

Tree trimming: Another late fall/early winter chore to tackle is trimming any tree limbs that are hanging on or around your fencing. Not only can hanging limbs attract dirt and more to your fence panels, they can also become heavy with snow and break off onto your fence. Falling heavy tree limbs can crack or damage your fence.

Clean up: Also, inspect your fencing for any signs of mold or dirt buildup before snow starts stacking up. You do not want the mold to be trapped under layers of snow, which can make the situation worse in the spring once the snow begins to melt. Scrub or spray any mold or dirt off on a sunny day, so it can dry easier and quicker.

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Elbow grease: While you are looking for mold, also scour for any scuff marks that can be scrubbed off. Typically warm water and a gentle soap can help remove unsightly marks before it gets too cold to tackle them.

Preventative layer: Before moisture builds up from snow and melting snow later in the season, a simple solution of water and vinegar can help stop the growth of mold and mildew. Mix one part water to five parts white vinegar in a spray bottle and apply to your fence. This may also help get rid of stains.

Snow Removal: Once snow starts piling up as winter moves along, brush it off of areas of your fence so that it does not build up on your vinyl and spur potential damage or discoloration. Be careful using any tools around your fence to prevent scratches or scuffs.

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Fences You Can Use in Cold Climates

Fences You Can Use in Cold Climates

Here are some of the most optimal fencing materials that’ll allow you to withstand the cold weather ahead.

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When it comes to winter weather, there are a slew of different elements that can impact your fence. In fact, cold climates tend to be quite challenging for homeowners who have a fence installed around the perimeter of their property. The reality is, with either snow, sleet, frost, or ice, there are so many different frigid weather conditions that might wreak havoc on your fence. Ultimately, one of the best ways to make the most out of a fence is to invest in a material that can withstand the test of time — which means withstanding the various types of winter weather conditions that might find their way to your area within the next few months — or perhaps weeks. Here are some of the most optimal fencing materials that’ll allow you to enjoy your home with ease — and thereby withstand the cold weather ahead.

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Metal Posts And Wood Fences

For the most part, wooden fences are great — but when you add in metal posts, you can surely find that your fence will hold up against the cold weather elements effectively and efficiently. In fact, wooden fences typically have a certain amount of pickets — made of wood — which tend to be subject to water absorption quite easily. That being said, when you don’t rely on wooden posts — but instead have metal ones — you can approach the winter season with ease. The reality is, when you have metal posts, the water absorption usually won’t go through and actually stand up against any increased moisture that is likely to come in the winter season. Ultimately, metal posts added to a wooden fence can really prove to be a game-changer against the winter season ahead.

Steel Fences Are Tough And Sturdy

There is no denying that steel is a durable and sturdy material overall. In fact, when it comes to an effective and efficient cold-weather fence, a steel one might just be worthwhile. The reality is, steel fences tend to be a great addition to any home — particularly for homeowners looking for a fence that can handle a variety of weather elements. Ultimately, steel fences are a wonderful way to make it through the winter season without worry or stress.

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Protecting Your Wood Fence From Termites

Protecting Your Wood Fence From Termites

Wood is quite tasty to termites. Fortunately, there are ways you can protect your beautiful wood fence from termite infestation and degradation.

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A wood fence offers many benefits, such as being cost-effective, rustic with a classic appeal, and a popular option for privacy fencing. With proper care and treatments, you should also know that wood fencing can last for a while. All in all, a wood fence can give you the protection and aesthetic appeal that you want for your property.

However, there is a downside to wood fencing. Termites can be a problem regarding wood fencing. Wood is quite tasty to termites. Fortunately, there are ways you can protect your beautiful wood fence from termite infestation and degradation.

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Invest in Treatment for Your Wood Fence

You can prevent termites from chomping down on your fence by ensuring that you have your fence treated regularly. If you’d prefer to paint your fence, we suggest using an oil-based primer. Pesticides work or apply an oil-based stain or termite-resistant paint.

Another thing to consider is that we provide custom wood fences with durable, pressure-treated ACQ lumber. Treated lumber aids in moisture, fungal, insect, and fire resistance.

Remove Rotten, Neighboring Wood

If you see any old, rotten stumps close to your wood fence, it’s best to remove them. It’s also a good idea to eliminate any nearby wood that might attract termites. We also recommend that your firewood stack be at least a few feet from your fencing.

Move Heavy Shrubs

Big bushes and heavy shrubs are appealing to termites. Therefore, moving bushes and shrubs close to your fence is helpful. Flowers are safe to plant alongside your fence. However, you should know that excessive watering can set the scene for a termite infestation. The best idea might be to separate your landscaping from your fence.

Eliminate Moisture

Damp areas and standing water create an ideal space for pests. We suggest checking your property for sources of moisture and removing them to keep your wooden fence safe against an infestation.

Check Your Fence Consistently

Even with the best efforts, termites can still find their way to a wooden fence. Therefore, we advise that you inspect your fence consistently. Look for the following:

  • Holes
  • Damaged areas
  • Cracked paint
  • Hollow-sounding wood
  • Termite droppings (which look like sawdust or sand)

Spotting the problem sooner rather than later can stop the damage from worsening.

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Pros and Cons That Come With Installing Vinyl Fencing

Pros and Cons That Come With Installing Vinyl Fencing

There are many, many pros to choosing vinyl fencing for your residential fencing project, but there are also several cons. Let’s dive into both.

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The hardest thing about installing a new or replacement fence on your property is deciding on the fencing material. There are so many options out there these days that it can be overwhelming. In many cases, one of the top contenders (and arguably one of the most popular choices, currently) is vinyl. There are many, many pros to choosing vinyl fencing for your residential fencing project, but there are also several cons. Let’s dive into both so that you truly have a clear picture of this fencing material before you make your final vinyl decision.

Pros Of Vinyl Fencing

The most well-known pro of vinyl fencing is that it is so incredibly easy to maintain. You don’t have to spend time sanding, painting, or staining it like you would for a wood fence or a metal one. It is super easy and simple to clean with just a cloth and some soap. Vinyl is also sometimes easy to install (it can be a good DIY project, even for people without extensive handy experience, if you have the right options). Vinyl is also incredibly safe, since it won’t ever splinter or develop rouge or sharp edges. Finally, vinyl is highly durable. It will stand up to near anything mother nature can throw at it. As long as it is correctly installed, it will withstand rain, wind, beating sun, and even a family with pets and kids.

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Cons Of Vinyl Fencing

Just as there are pros of vinyl fencing, there are also cons. While there is a good variety of fencing available now, there there a limit on the amount of customization that you can do. There is a range of colors available, but you cannot easily change that color down the line. There is also is less variety of repair options if you ever need to do a repair (as unlikely as that may be). Vinyl is also more expensive up front than other fencing materials, though there are not longterm maintenance costs that you need to account for. Finally, vinyl is not the most eco friendly of choices. If you want to make sure that the materials you use around your home are having a positive impact on the environment, or at least not having a net-negative one.

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