Aluminum Fencing Maintenance Tips

Aluminum Fencing Maintenance Tips

Aluminum Fencing Maintenance Tips

Today, we’ll tell you about aluminum fencing maintenance tips you can use around your house.

Aluminum fencing can improve almost anyone’s outdoor landscape. After all, aluminum fences serve as strong structures that protect your home from unwanted guests, while also improving the curb appeal that your yard offers. To get the most out of an aluminum fence, however, you’ll have to know how to take care of it. That’s why, today, we’ll tell you about aluminum fencing maintenance tips you can use around your house.

Perform Fence Inspections

To keep your aluminum fencing in good shape, it’s recommended that you perform frequent fence inspections. This way, you can identify problems that your fence has before those problems have a chance to grow and become more of an issue. Typically, you’ll want to get your fence inspected a minimum of two times per year, one time in the fall, and one time in the spring.

Clean Your Aluminum Fencing

To maintain the stellar appearance of your aluminum fencing, you want to clean it regularly. Dirt and debris will pile onto your fence as time passes. As more dirt accumulates, not only will your fence look worse, but the protective powder coating of your fence could even get damaged. Cleaning your aluminum fencing, therefore, is great both for the appearance of your fence and its structural integrity.

Repaint Your Fence When Needed

Earlier, we mentioned how the protective powder coating of your aluminum fence can be compromised when it’s dirty. To combat this issue, you should give your fencing some touch-up paint. Not only does this restore the protective coating of your fence, but it also breathes new life into your fence’s appearance.

Call a Fence Repair Company for Big Repairs

While DIY fence maintenance will be enough to handle any minor problems your fence may have, some fence problems may be too severe to handle on your own. When this happens, call on an aluminum fencing repair company to restore your fence back to normal. Make sure you settle on an experienced company that has licensing and insurance to back up their services.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Why Fence Leaning Can Occur

Why Fence Leaning Can Occur

There are many reasons why fence leaning can happen.

Do you have a fence around your yard? If you do, then does it feel like your fence is always a little askew? This is likely because your fence has started to lean, which is not only bad for the fence’s structural integrity, but it’s also not good for aesthetic appeal either. There are many reasons why fence leaning can happen.

Reactive Soil

A common reason for fence leaning has to do with the soil. Soil will behave in different ways based on the weather, specifically moisture levels. In the midst of a winter with plenty of moisture, soil will expand, which helps to keep fence posts steady and solid. Once the weather warms up, and moisture is less prevalent, the soil will contract and crack. This completely changes the foundation of your fence, meaning fence leaning will soon follow.

Fence Leaning Caused by Animals

It’s possible that different animals will push up against your fence from time to time. While some critters are rather small, other animals are larger and capable of causing leaning. This is a phenomenon that’s more common with people who have animals like horses around their yards, as these animals have enough weight to push back some fences.

Installing Short Fence Posts

Fence leaning doesn’t always happen due to natural variables; sometimes, it has to do with the construction of the fence itself. A common reason for fence leaning is when people use shorter fence posts in situations when it’s not needed.

It can be tempting to use shorter fence posts at times, as these can be cost-effective options when appropriate. The problem with short fence posts is that they don’t get as deeply into the ground. This creates an unsteady foundation for your fence, and this can result in fence leaning over time.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Preventing Rotting in Your Wooden Fencing

Preventing Rotting in Your Wooden Fencing

To prevent rotting from happening to your wooden fencing, here’s what you can do.

Do you have a wooden fence around your yard? Wood is a fencing material that can bring plenty of curb appeal to your home. After all, wood is one of the classic fencing materials that has stood the tests of time. With that said, time can take its toll on any wood fence, and one of the problems it could experience is rotting. To prevent rotting from happening to your wooden fencing, here’s what you can do.

Give Your Fence Some Staining

Regular staining is an important maintenance procedure for any wooden fence. When your fence is stained, it helps keep the chances of rotting to a minimum. The frequency of staining can vary based on your circumstances. Generally, doing at least one staining per year is advised. If there’s a lot of soil around your fence, or there’s a lot of rainfall in your area, you may need to perform staining more often than that.

Make Sure Your Wooden Fencing Stays Clean

When your wooden fencing collects a lot of dirt and debris, it can accelerate the pace at which rotting occurs. There are many types of debris to keep away from your fence, like soil, grass, and damp leaves. If debris does get onto your fence, you want to get rid of that debris quickly, before it has a chance to wear your fence down.

Get Rot-Affected Sections Replaced as They Arise

Sometimes, you won’t be able to prevent rotting in your wooden fencing. Even so, it may still be possible to minimize the rot’s impact. You can do this by replacing any fence boards that have been affected by rotting. This stops the rot from spreading to the remainder of your fence. Once you’ve replaced the affected fence boards, make sure to clean your fence and give it another coat of stain for good measure.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Privacy Fencing Design Tips

Privacy Fencing Design Tips

Here are design tips to consider when getting privacy fencing installed.

While we’re still in the midst of winter, it won’t be too long until the weather starts to warm up again. When it does, people will be outside enjoying their outdoor landscapes once again. To keep people from looking into your yard, it’s good to have a privacy fence that blocks onlookers. The question becomes: what kind of privacy fence should you get? Here are design tips to consider when getting privacy fencing installed.

Dark Colors Are Great for Creating Color Contrast

Many fences come in lighter colors, such as white, but you can also go with a darker fence color like black. Darker fence colors are great when you have vibrant colors around your yard because it promotes strong contrast that gets people’s attention. A black fence behind some bright red or yellow flowers, as an example, makes both the flowers and the fence more noticeable. This adds to the aesthetic appeal that your yard offers.

Consider Horizontal Privacy Fencing For an Extra Modern Touch

Many fences, especially for traditional homes, have vertical fence panels. This style definitely works for a lot of people’s homes, but if you’re looking for a modern twist to your privacy fencing, you could go with horizontal fence panels instead. Something great about this approach to privacy fencing is that horizontal fence posts can be placed more closely together to make it harder for others to see through your fence. When you go horizontal with your privacy fencing, you’ll have a realm of possibilities for fence design, such as varied material dimensions, color options, and spacing.

Consider Decorative Fence Patterns

To add a little bit of fun and creativity to your privacy fencing, you could add all kinds of decorative elements. Perhaps you could arrange your fencing materials to create patterns, or you could add fence caps to add to the elegance your fence offers. Getting creative with your privacy fencing helps your fence stand out more as an eye-catching feature of your yard.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Fencing Goals You Can Set For The New Year

Fencing Goals You Can Set For The New Year

When it comes to goals you can set for your fencing this year, here are some examples.

It’s a new year, and that means people around the country are setting new goals for themselves. Popular goals may be to change dietary habits or getting more exercise, but there are other goals you can set for yourself as well. Perhaps, as an example, you’re thinking about making improvements to your yard. One way you can do this is by creating a new fence. When it comes to goals you can set for your fencing this year, here are some examples.

Keep Your Fencing Sealed and Stained

Perhaps you haven’t sealed or stained your fencing before. If so, why not start the new year by committing to this valuable part of fence maintenance? By sealing and staining your fence, you give it much-needed protection against water damage. This is especially important in the midst of winter, given all of the rain and snow that comes with this time of year.

Make Repairs to Your Fencing, When Needed

No matter what kind of fencing material you have, whether it’s aluminum, vinyl, or wood, staying on top of repairs will always be important. Check on your fence regularly so you can identify problems with it before they have a chance to get worse. The sooner you can correct fencing problems, the easier it will be to get your fence back into peak form.

Consider Adding Greenery Around Your Fence

Maybe you’re looking to make your fence more lively. One way you can do this is by adding different types of greenery around it. There are all kinds of flowers, plants, and shrubs that you could consider, depending on the aesthetic you want, and what type of climate they need to endure. Once you pick some out, you can give your fencing a little bit of extra color, which adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of your yard.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Fencing Goals You Can Set For The New Year appeared first on Hercules Fence.

Metal Fence Maintenance Tips for The Winter Season

Metal Fence Maintenance Tips for The Winter Season

For those who have metal fences in their yards, there are certain fence maintenance tips that you’ll want to follow this winter season.

We’re now getting ready to settle into the winter season. It’s a season filled with snow, cozy nights by the fire, and plenty of winter holidays. When it comes to your outdoor landscape, however, winter can be a little more of a chore, particularly for fence owners. For those who have metal fences in their yards, there are certain fence maintenance tips that you’ll want to follow this winter season.

Get Rid of Rust Spots

Before winter gets into full swing, you’ll want to get your metal fence cleaned off. There may be some visible rust that needs removing. If you see any rust on your fence, you can take a small wire brush and get that rust removed. Parts of your fence that get scrubbed will need to get repainted. You should use a type of paint with rust resistance in order to slow the rusting process down.

Be Wary of Plant Growth Around Your Fence

Sometimes, fence maintenance doesn’t just include caring for the fence itself, but also for the greenery that surrounds it. It’s important for you to control how much plant growth happens around your fence. When plants are allowed to get too close to your fence, it can result in your fence receiving unnecessary damage.

On top of this, plants can keep people from looking at your fence. While many plants can improve the aesthetic appeal of your yard, a fence can look nice too, so you don’t want plants to hide a fence that could otherwise be raising the aesthetic appeal of your yard.

Consider Getting Professional Help With Fence Maintenance

Sometimes, it’s nice to get professional help handling all of your fence maintenance procedures. A fencing company will know exactly what kind of maintenance your fence needs, ensuring that your fence is given proper care all throughout winter. Just be sure you pick a reliable and experienced fencing company to ensure high-quality results.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Metal Fence Maintenance Tips for The Winter Season appeared first on Hercules Fence.

How to Maintain a Chain-Link Fence


How to Maintain a Chain-Link Fence

Here is how you should be maintaining your chain-link fence.

Chain-link fencing can be a great investment for your home. Not only can it boost the aesthetic appeal of your yard, but it’s also an effective property border. If you have a chain-link fence in your yard, you’ll want to maintain it so that you get as much value from it as possible. Here is how you should be maintaining your chain-link fence.

Use a Pressure Washer

Pressure washing is an effective cleaning method for any chain-link fencing you have. It’s a stronger cleaning method that really helps with stubborn dirt and grime that otherwise wouldn’t be able to be removed.

There are various reasons why you might pressure wash your chain-link fence. Perhaps there are leaves that fall on your fence during autumn, and these leaves get your fence dirty. Maybe there are bird droppings that build up during spring and summer. The more often that these types of events occur, the more often that pressure washing will need to be done.

Take Care of Rust By Using a Wire Brush

Rusting is a problem that your chain-link fence could encounter. To combat this issue, you should take a wire brush and get rid of that rust. While you’re cleaning your fence, try not to get dirt between the links. You also want to wear appropriate clothing while you’re getting this part of the fence-cleaning process done.

Give Your Fence a Zinc Coating to Defend Against Corrosion

A wire brush is good for combatting rust that’s already on your chain-link fence, but if you want to prevent future rust from developing, you should give your fence a protective zinc coating. There are different ways you can apply this coating, such as dipping and spraying. No matter which approach you choose, however, it’ll give your fence the protection it needs to last for years to come. The zinc coating could last as long as 20 years before you have to apply it again.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post How to Maintain a Chain-Link Fence appeared first on Hercules Fence.

How to Preserve Aluminum Fencing


How to Preserve Aluminum Fencing

Here are tips we have that will help you improve the longevity of your aluminum fencing.

An aluminum fence is a great installment for people who have them. They give people extra privacy around their houses, improve the aesthetic of people’s yards, and can even help improve the resale value of the house. If you have an aluminum fence, you’ll want it to last for a long time, and that means you’ll need to know how to keep it preserved. Here are tips we have that will help you improve the longevity of your aluminum fencing.

Wash Your Fence Regularly

Fences of all kinds appreciate a little washing every now and then, and aluminum fencing is no exception. By washing your fence regularly, you can prevent the accumulation of dirt, mud, and other types of debris that would otherwise make your fence look more unsightly. A pressure washer is a great tool for cleaning aluminum fences, especially if you have some particularly stubborn stains that need to be washed away.

Perform Frequent Inspections

Just like how all fences should be washed on occasion, they should also be given inspections. By inspecting your aluminum fencing, you can identify any problems it may be experiencing, whether it’s rusting, damaged posts, or blunt damage. Since problems with your fence worsen over time if you ignore them, it’s best to address these problems early on while they’re still smaller and more manageable to handle.

Oil Your Fence’s Hinges and Tighten Its Screws

Aluminum fencing needs to have well-oiled hinges. This way, it won’t squeak or stick when you go to open or close the fence (assuming you have a fence gate). It’s also a good idea to check your fence’s screws to be sure they’re properly fastened. If any screws in your fence are loose, your fence won’t be as secure, meaning your fence will be more susceptible to damage.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post How to Preserve Aluminum Fencing appeared first on Hercules Fence.

Vinyl Fence Cleaning Tips

Vinyl Fence Cleaning Tips

Here is how you can clean your vinyl fence.

It’s nice when you can have a beautiful and clean fence around your yard. Not only can the right fence add extra security to your home, but it can also bolster your property’s curb appeal. There are many materials you could use to construct your fence, and one of the options at your disposal is vinyl fencing. One of the biggest appeals of vinyl fences is that they don’t require much in terms of upkeep. Still, though, occasional cleaning will be needed to keep them in good shape. Here is how you can clean your vinyl fence.

Use a Garden Hose to Spray Down Your Fence

Spraying your vinyl fence with water from a garden hose is a great first step. You may think about using a pressure washer or cleaning solution, but this may not be necessary. If you have a low soil load around your fence, a simple garden hose with no cleaning solution may be sufficient. Not only does this let you wash away dirt, but it’ll also be easier to see any problems that your fence may have.

If Necessary, Break Out the Pressure Washer and Cleaning Solution

Sometimes, spraying your vinyl fence with a hose won’t be sufficient. If this is the case for your fence, you’ll have to take additional measures to clean it.  A homemade mixture of one gallon of water and a half-cup of white vinegar should make for an effective cleaning solution that can make it easier to break down more stubborn messes your fence has. Depending on how stubborn your messes are, this ratio may need to be adjusted.

If this is still not enough, it may be required to use a pressure washer. Generally, 2,400 PSI should be enough to clean most vinyl fences. You won’t want to use much more pressure than this because you run the risk of causing structural damage to your fence.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Vinyl Fence Cleaning Tips appeared first on Hercules Fence.

Honored to Protect: Hercules Fence’s Role in Keeping the New Panda Residents at the National Zoo safe and secure.

At Hercules Fence, we take pride in creating safe spaces — and we’re especially proud to have played a role in the fencing and perimeter protection for the newest panda arrivals at the National Zoo! Ensuring the safety and comfort of these magnificent animals is a privilege, and we are grateful to support the zoo’s mission of wildlife conservation and care.


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