Why You Should Add Commercial Fencing to Your Property

Why You Should Add Commercial Fencing to Your Property

Why You Should Add Commercial Fencing to Your Property

Find out what benefits commercial fencing can add to your property.

One of the main structures around your property is going to be fencing. This is because it protects your property and everyone inside of it. Not only that, but it can make your business stand out among others. Fencing can be used to make a business look more organized and refined. Commercial fencing can improve the quality of life of any company. Find out what benefits commercial fencing can add to your property.


One of the main reasons people use commercial fencing is because it offers protection to their business. Usually, people go with chain-link fencing because it is effective at protecting the area, and it is cost-effective. Other fencing options could be better if you want to keep your business private, but this is often counterproductive for a business since they want to be seen by potential clients. That’s why the see-through option of chain-link fencing is recommended.


While many businesses don’t want to be isolated (since they want customers to notice them), there may be some companies located in residential areas that could benefit from extra privacy. Shopping areas that are near residential areas often have commercial fencing for privacy. Also, accountants and lawyers have incentives for using their fences for privacy because they need to ensure that their customers have their information protected. When you want privacy for your business, wooden fences are a fantastic option.


Privacy and security may be the primary reasons for installing commercial fencing, but those aren’t the only reasons a business may have. Some companies benefit from commercial fencing because of the curb appeal it offers. First impressions are important, and having a beautiful fence to welcome customers goes a long way towards making that initial meeting memorable.

Ornamental fencing is often used when using commercial fencing to raise curb appeal, but it can depend on where your business is located. Sometimes, businesses in rural areas have better luck with wooden fencing since it suits the area better. Vinyl fencing is another option, and it doesn’t require as much maintenance as the other fencing options available.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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To Repair or Replace: That is the Question

When you look out at your yard, do you see an older fence that is starting to sag, has damage or peeling paint? Then, it is time to consider your options for a fence upgrade. There are two paths to take: repair or replace. We break down tips to help guide you toward the best decision for your fence’s future.

Wood Fencing

When to Repair: Wood has its own inherent beauty, but it also is affected by weather more so than other fence materials. Wood can become splintered, sun-bleached and warped. If there are small areas that are showing wear and tear, they can be addressed with wood filler or putty. Individual planks or sections can be replaced as well. The drawback is it may be obvious the wood is new for a while, unless your fence is painted or stained.

When to Replace: The decision should lean toward replacement if more than 20 percent of your panels are affected. Then, it starts to make more sense to replace your entire fence. Also, if you find yourself having to address repair issues season after season, you should consider a whole new fence.

Vinyl Fencing

When to Repair: Vinyl fencing is typically more expensive upfront, but it has the most maintenance-free life span. The main issue to watch for is cracking in the vinyl. If this occurs in a small portion, you can just replace the panels that are damaged. 

When to Replace: If fence posts are the problem, then a new fence is the answer. Your current fence post can be a real pain to dig up and remove as they are grounded deep in cement. If your posts are facing damage, then your overall fence is probably at the end of its life, and you are due for a replacement.

Aluminum Fencing

When to Repair: The main issues that you will see with aluminum fencing is bent posts or rails. They can be removed and replaced, but this typically needs a professional welder. Shifting posts due to changes in soil can also be addressed. Adding in new soil can help with this problem.

When to Replace: Again, extensive damage points toward an overhaul. But, also consider your current needs for security and privacy. You may have a lifestyle that differs from when you originally had your fence installed. That is a key component to consider no matter what your fence material is.

Repairs or Replacement: We Can Help!

Our professional team of experts at Fence Masters has the expertise to assist with whatever path your project leads you down. We can come out and assess your situation and recommend the best course of action. With a full stockyard and our own iron weld shop, we provide individualized and prompt service.

Contact us through our online contact form for more information on our repair and installation services.

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Hire a Fence Contractor During Spring


Hire a Fence Contractor During Spring

Spring is the perfect time to hire a fence contractor to carry out your installation.

Spring is on the horizon, and homeowners are getting ready to step outside and enjoy the warm weather. With people wanting to get outside more, now is the perfect time to renovate your outdoor landscape. A great way to improve your yard is to add a new fence. Your home becomes safer with a protective border, and it helps identify where your yard ends, and a neighbor’s yard begins. But to get the best fence, you’ll need the best fence contractor working on it. Spring is the perfect time to hire a fence contractor to carry out your installation.

It’s Easier to Plan a Meeting With a Fence Contractor

While spring is by no means a slow season for any fence contractor, it’s certainly not as hectic as summer. This means it will be easier for you to get your appointment scheduled, and you’ll have a better chance to get yourself a good deal. Since contractors aren’t as busy in spring as they are in summer, you’ll have a wider range of dates from which to choose when scheduling your installation. The more choices you have for when to have your installation, the more convenient the installation process is for you.

The Weather is Pleasant

People love to take advantage of the beautiful sunny weather of summer, but spring has gorgeous weather too. In fact, it can be even more pleasant than summer in some ways, such as the temperature not being brutally hot. In Maryland, in particular, summer offers some rather unpleasant weather in the form of intense storms. All spring may present to you is a few rainy days here and there. This means you won’t have to worry about postponing and rescheduling your installation because of any weather-related problems.

A Fence Contractor Will Get You Ready For Summer

Most outdoor hosting events are done during the summertime, meaning it would be a problem if you’re still trying to hire a fence contractor for your installation during that time. Wouldn’t it be better to have your fence ready to go when summer approaches? By hiring a fence contractor in the spring, you free up your summer schedule to enjoy all of your amazing summer festivities.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Hire a Fence Contractor During Spring appeared first on Hercules Fence.

Pros and Cons of Iron Fencing

Pros and Cons of Iron Fencing

Iron fencing comes with its pros and cons, so look over them before deciding if it’s the right choice for you.

In today’s age, we have access to a plethora of fencing options, whether we look inside stores or we find a fence we like online. The number of fences from which to choose can easily overwhelm a person. You have to consider many factors when picking a fence, from cost to aesthetic appeal, to safety, among other things. One such option that many people choose is iron fencing. Iron fencing can go well with many homes, making it a fairly popular choice. Iron fencing comes with its pros and cons, so look over them before deciding if it’s the right choice for you.

Pro: Durability

It’s tough to rival iron fencing in terms of strength. Most fences require you to replace them every 5 to 10 years, but iron fencing can last for decades with proper care. Some iron fences are still standing even though they were built in the 1800s and 1900s., which goes to show how durable they are.

Con: Rust

Rust is the burden of metal fences, and iron fencing is no exception. Rust can wear down your fence over time if you don’t take proper care of it. Fortunately, you can coat your fence so that it’s more resistant to rusting. It’s an extra maintenance procedure, but it can make a world of difference in preserving your fence.

Pro: Security

When you have the incredible strength of an iron fence, you get equally strong protection for your home or business. Iron fencing is difficult to climb, making it harder for unwanted guests to invade your property. You can also see through your fence, giving you a greater view of the surrounding area. While other fences, like wood or vinyl, grant more privacy by stopping people from seeing into your yard, iron fencing has the benefit of not giving people anywhere to hide if they plan to invade your space.

Con: Availability

It’s getting increasingly challenging to find iron fencing as time goes on. This is in large part due to how costly and labor-intensive it is to produce these fences. This does serve as a testament to how dependable iron fences are, given how much work goes into making them. But, if you want an iron fence, you should act sooner rather than later before they become too hard to find.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Be a Good Neighbor: Fence Installation Etiquette 101

Being part of a neighborhood and community means we should always try our best to work together. Whenever we make big changes to our property, it is always considerate to consider the impact it may have on our neighbors. While you may not think it is a big deal to do an update, it may change the view or daily lives of those around you.

Follow these tips for your best fence etiquette:

Clear lines: Having an idea of where your property ends and your neighbor’s begins is not good enough when putting in a fence. You need to break out your blueprints or paperwork that clearly define your property lines. You cannot install a fence on property that is not yours. You should check with your county as well for any specific rules or regulations for your area. If you do not have the specifics, contact your records office or a land surveyor for assistance.

Clear conversation: It is important to talk with all of the neighbors that will be affected by a new border. That is easy if you are friends or acquaintances, but if you are not close to your neighbor, this can be challenging. It is best to go over in person to discuss what your plans are and show your neighbor where you are putting in your new perimeter. Having a discussion before the work can help head off any strife down the road.

Clear understanding: If you are part of a Homeowners Association, you need to find out what the rules are for putting in a fence. This may range from size to material. It is best to do this before you start making any firm decisions.

Clear view: Typically, you want the finished side to be seen by your neighbors as this will also add to your own curb appeal. 

Clear path to the future: Part of keeping the neighborly peace is to maintain the look of your fence for years to come. You do not want it to have holes, lean in toward your neighbor’s place or have chipping paint on their side. Maintenance is a key component of making your material selection. Wood can wear down with time and needs to be stained or painted regularly. Vinyl needs a rinsing or scrubbing every once in a while.

Now It’s Time to Talk To Us

Our Fence Masters crew can help you with your fencing project. We have expertise earned through thousands of fence installations along with the best products in the industry. We are based in a tradition of quality and excellence. We work with all types of fencing materials that will suit your place, both as a homeowner and business owner. We can meet with you to see what you have in mind and offer an estimate.

Connect with us today through our online contact form.

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When to Replace Your Fence

How long can you reasonably expect a fence to last? There are many different factors that come into play in determining a fence’s lifespan, including the type of material, the climate, the exposure to storms, and the quality of maintenance. However, when it’s time to replace your fence, there are several signs that are easy to spot.

  • A bent fence requires replacement. If it’s not straight, that’s a good indication of damage. A warped fence can indicate loose nails, split wood, and even rot. When the panels of a fence are bent, they can put a strain on the structure, making it more sensitive to weathering. In fact, a noticeably warped fence is in danger of collapse.
  • A fence that has changed colors may be damaged beyond aesthetics. A discolored fence indicates aging, and while it may be tempting to simply repaint it, it’s likely that an ashy, dull, yellowed, or rusty-looking fence needs to be replaced.
  • If your fence is unsafe, it’s time to replace it. Splinters, protruding nails, and rust are all safety hazards that mean it’s time for a new fence.
  • When you can see through your fence, you need a new one. If parts of your fence have fallen over or are missing, your fence is no longer functional. Your fence is probably too old to withstand the weather and needs to be replaced.
  • After a hurricane, you will probably need to replace your fence. A well-built fence can take a lot of punishment and remain standing. If your fence has experienced significant winds or been hit with debris, there may be structural damage. Some of this damage may be obvious, but sometimes it’s subtle enough to require careful inspection. Check for rot, especially if there was unusually heavy rain or flooding. Even if you don’t see rot or visible damage, it may be worth having a professional come and check it to determine whether it needs to be replaced.

If you take care of your fence, it can last a long time. When you’re ready for a new fence, though, call Paramount Fence Inc. for professional installation. At Paramount, we’ve been in business for over ten years, but our combined experience in the fence industry spans more than half a century! We’re a full-service fence sales and fence installation business in the Chicagoland area, and we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Our staff offers exceptional customer service, striving to exceed your expectations throughout the fence buying and fence installation process. Paramount Fence Inc is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information on how we can help you find the right fence to meet your needs, call us at 630.239.2714 or contact us through our website.


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Get Your Fence Installation As Spring Approaches

Get Your Fence Installation As Spring Approaches

There are many reasons you should get a fence installation once spring arrives.

Winter is coming to a close for the year, and spring is starting to, well, spring forth. Once spring arrives, your yard will wake up from its winter hibernation, and you’ll start seeing problems. Sometimes, fences can get damaged over the winter, and the damage might be too great for a simple repair. That’s when you’ll want a new fence installation. There are many reasons you should get a fence installation once spring arrives.

The Weather

The weather in spring is much more pleasant than it is in winter. When spring arrives, it will be easier for you to address your outdoor landscape. Also, it will be easier to carry out your fence installation when the ground is warm. In winter, the ground may still be frozen, making it much more difficult to dig holes for your fence posts.

Beating the Summer Rush

Summer is oftentimes the busiest time of year for fence installation companies. By doing your fence installation in spring, you can beat the summer rush and get your appointment scheduled before everyone else. That way, once it’s summertime, you’ll already have your fence ready to go while everyone else is frantically trying to schedule appointments before the weather gets cold again.

You’ll Have a Gorgeous Yard for Summer

People love to be outside during the summer. You don’t want to step outside and see a broken fence. By getting your fence installation done in spring, you’ll have a brand new fence that will add more enjoyment to your outdoor landscape.

Keep Children and Pets Protected

Fences aren’t just aesthetically appealing; they also add more functionality to your outdoor landscape. By getting a fence installation, you add a secure border to your yard that keeps children and pets from wandering out of your yard and getting into danger. You’ll want your children and pets to get outside during spring and summer while the weather is beautiful, and by installing a fence, they can enjoy the weather safely.

Improving Access to Your Yard

Perhaps you had an old fence, and that it might not have had the best means of letting you access your yard. With a new fence installation, that can all change. You can reassess how you want to access your yard, then work with a fence installation contractor to decide on the best layout for your new fence.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Tips for Maintaining Your Vinyl Fencing

Tips for Maintaining Your Vinyl Fencing

Follow these vinyl fencing maintenance tips so that your fence will look good and stay strong for years to come.

Vinyl fencing is a popular choice for many residential areas. It can withstand all types of weather. It’s resistant to molding or rotting. It also makes your home look more appealing. On top of all that, vinyl fencing requires little maintenance to keep it in good condition. However, that’s not to say that no maintenance is needed. You still have to take action to keep your fence looking good. Follow these vinyl fencing maintenance tips so that your fence will look good and stay strong for years to come.

Keep Your Vinyl Fencing Clean

Vinyl fencing doesn’t take too much effort to clean. All it takes is a standard household cleaner with a little water and a sponge. Just scrub down the surface to get rid of any accumulated dirt and grime, as well as all sorts of plant growth. After that, simply rinse your fence with a garden hose, and it will be as good as new.

Fence Caps

Your fence caps can get loose if enough freezing and thawing cycles occur. Roughly once per month, you should walk along your fence and monitor the fence caps. If you see any loose caps, use some plastic glue to secure them back in place.

Use Quality Repair Products on your Vinyl Fencing

If anything happens to your vinyl fencing and you need to replace parts of your fence, you should always go with high-quality materials. If you try to use materials that are of lower quality, it won’t be long before your fence becomes damaged again. This creates a cycle in which you are constantly spending time and money dealing with your fence. Avoid all of that trouble and go with something of high quality right away. It may cost a little more initially, but you’ll make returns on your investment in no time.

Check the Stability of your Fence Posts

Every year, you should walk around the perimeter of your fence and check on the sturdiness of your fence posts. Posts can get loose from all sorts of heavy weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or wind. If you see any loose fence posts, fill some dirt around the area and repact the ground by using a shovel.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Why to Use Temporary Fencing and Where It Should Be Used

Why to Use Temporary Fencing and Where It Should Be Used

Find out about why you should use temporary fencing, and where it should be used.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to create a border separating pedestrians from certain areas. Whether it be a sporting event or a construction site, there are places where pedestrians should not be found, and having a border in place helps promote their safety. Many people use fences to block off places that aren’t meant to be accessed by pedestrians. However, for more scenarios than you may think, temporary fencing is better than any permanent fencing options. Find out about why you should use temporary fencing, and where it should be used.

Why Use Temporary Fencing?

Temporary fencing is perfect for when you only need a barricade for a certain amount of time. While they aren’t as sturdy, temporary fences are easier to install and remove, making them perfect for places that don’t need a border for too long. Sometimes, permanent fences are simply not a feasible option. For times like this, temporary fencing can be the solution you need.

Use Temporary Fencing on Construction Sites

Temporary fencing is commonly used on construction sites, and not without good reason. Construction projects don’t last forever, so that means you’ll only need a fence until the project is completed. For this reason, a temporary fence is perfect, because you easily set it up before the project, and take it down just as easily once the project is completed. Temporary fencing is also necessary on construction sites because they provide more security on the worksite. With an extra border, your workers are better protected against unwelcome guests. It also promotes the safety of pedestrians who might otherwise wander into the construction site. It’s also a requirement under state and federal law to keep the public and your workers safe, so a temporary fence helps serve that purpose.


Temporary fencing can be perfect for various festivities such as weddings or other large social gatherings. A fence helps to keep your event private so that the only people there are the ones you invite. Having a fence also helps guide guests to the event. It can also help you make parking less chaotic because you can guide drivers to the area where they should be parking.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

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Benefits of a Privacy Fence

A privacy fence is a good investment, adding value and security to your property. While it won’t keep your home safe from 100 percent of dangers, a privacy fence adds a layer of protection that controls entry to and from your yard and deters passers-by from gaining access to your property. If you’re thinking about installing a privacy fence, you probably know all of that and may be installing it for precisely those reasons. But there are seven other benefits that you might not even have considered.

  1. The value a privacy fence adds is significant. Adding a privacy fence can lower homeowner’s insurance rates dramatically: you’ll pay so much less for coverage that the fence will pay for itself in short order. What’s more, a privacy fence that’s well-built and well-maintained increases your home’s resale value. A privacy fence makes a house look more attractive, and the fact that it reduces the risk of burglary makes it more appealing to buyers.
  2. A privacy fence affords you comfort and seclusion. With a privacy fence in place, you can gather with your friends and family in total privacy. They say good fences make good neighbors, and this is especially true in the case of a privacy fence. If you have a pool, this type of fence is particularly beneficial, to keep out pool crashers and give your family members privacy when they swim.
  3. Privacy fences can keep your pets safe. A privacy fence gives your outdoor animals a safe space to play and keeps stray animals from wandering into your yard.
  4. Weather can damage your back yard, but it’s less likely to when you have a privacy fence. A well-built privacy fence will protect your home, garden, and outdoor living spaces by providing a barrier to the wind and rough weather.
  5. When you have a privacy fence, it’s easy to see where the property lines are drawn. The fence makes it clear where you and your neighbors are allowed to mow, plant, or build. Just make sure you know the local regulations before you put up your fence.
  6. It’s easy to make part of your privacy fence removable. This will allow you to move something large into your yard if the need arises.
  7. Privacy fences are customizable. A wide range of materials and designs are available so that your privacy fence can perfectly fit your needs, budget, and aesthetic sensibilities.

If you’re ready for a new fence, call Paramount Fence Inc. for professional installation. A full-service fence sales and installation business in the Chicagoland area, with more than half a century of combined experience, we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Paramount Fence Inc is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information, call us at 630.239.2714 or contact us through our website.


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