Kane County Cougars Post

Kane County Cougars Post

At Paramount Fence, our roots are planted deep in our community. We’re deeply committed to charitable initiatives, and seek to partner with like-minded organizations with a similar dedication to working in the community. That’s why, since 2016, we’ve partnered with the Kane County Cougars, winners of the 2019 Ballpark Digest Commitment to Charity Award, to extend the charitable reach of both organizations. Let’s look at what the Cougars have accomplished for the common good in the past year.

For the Kane County Cougars Baseball Foundation, Inc, 2019 was a record-setting year. The Foundation giving exceeded $1 million for the second year in a row, earning the organization a 5th place spot when Minor League Baseball (MiLB) issued its “MiLB Charity report for 2018. To place 5th out of 160 teams is a major accomplishment, and we at Paramount want to congratulate the Cougars for that. What’s more, that ranking is their second time placing within the Top Ten for charitable giving. All told, the Foundation’s five-year cumulative total giving reached $4.250.000.

This giving is nothing new, because for the past five years the Cougar’s charitable outreach has grown consistently, leading to a 5 year “Record Giving Streak”. Today, the Foundation manages 24 programs, the largest number in its history, providing cash contributions to 32 different community organizations. These organizations include the Reading Club, reaching 456 schools and 138,000 students, and the Summer Reading program, which involves 89 libraries and 5,458 students. There are also two scholarship programs, issuing grade school and college scholarships. The foundation’s Military Outreach extends to 1,123 current and former military service members, and the Senior Citizens Outreach reached 2.523 senior citizens in 2019.

At the Winter Baseball Meetings in San Diego, Ballpark Digest selected the Kane County Cougar’s Baseball Foundation from among the 160 MiLB teams to receive the “Ballpark Digest Commitment to Charity Award for 2019.” This prestigious award landed the Cougars a spot in Times Square with a congratulatory message from Nasdaq on the MarketSite Tower, one of the most recognizable locations in the world. In fact, the Cougars’s Foundation was the first MiLB Foundation in history to be featured by Nasdaq on their famous MarketSite Tower.

We couldn’t be prouder of partnering with the Kane County Cougars. At Paramount Fence Inc., we’re a full-service fence sales and fence installation business in the Chicagoland area, and we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Our staff offers exceptional customer service, striving to exceed your expectations throughout the fence buying and fence installation process. Paramount Fence Inc is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information on how we can help you find the right fence to meet your needs, call us at 630.239.2714 or contact us through our website.

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What to Consider Before Hiring a Fencing Contractor

What to Consider Before Hiring a Fencing Contractor

Here’s what to consider before hiring a fencing contractor.

When it comes to installing a fence on your residential, rental, or commercial property, hiring a fencing contractor is the way to go. When you rely on a fencing contractor, you can count on high-quality work, so your fence will be safe, secure, and beautiful for a long time to come. Your property is a substantial investment, and the fencing should be no exception! But how do you find the right fencing contractor to trust with your fence’s installation or maintenance? Here’s what to consider before hiring a fencing contractor.

Consider Cost

For property owners planning to install a fence, the budget is a good place to start. After all, cost will be crucial to evaluating your fencing needs and the materials available to you. Calculate material and installation costs before deciding on your perfect fence. When you’re prepared with the numbers ahead of time, planning, and installation of your new fence will go much more smoothly.

Set Up a Timeline

A fencing contractor has extensive experience installing many varieties of fencing, so they’re used to working with deadlines. An experienced contractor will be able to review your needs and your projected timeline and advise you on the best way to go about the project to meet your needs. A fencing contractor will also be able to provide more realistic deadlines for projects at the early planning stages to help you plan your installation effectively.

Review Your Fencing Needs

It’s important to have a good idea of precisely what you’re looking for in a new fence. If you’re primarily interested in security fencing, you should review security fencing options so that you can be prepared for a price range, timeline, maintenance, and more.

Ask About Guarantees and Warranties

Many contractors offer incentives to property owners in the form of guarantees or warranties. Don’t be afraid to ask about these offers–it’s a good idea to get acquainted with a fencing contractor’s pricing, policies and offers before choosing the right contractor for you.

Ask for a Fence Installation Contract in Writing

Just like with any other contractor, it’s a good idea to get quotes and contracts in writing so that you can access the information whenever you may need. Remember to review each part of the contract before you sign, and don’t be afraid to ask for contracts in writing–after all, any reliable contractor will be happy to keep you informed every step of the way.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post What to Consider Before Hiring a Fencing Contractor appeared first on Hercules Fence.

What’s the Right Fence Height?

When you’re choosing a new fence, you probably put a lot of thought into the look, the materials, and various other features. Something important to consider, though, is the height. Do you know how tall your fence needs to be? Several factors play a role in this decision.

  • Consider the style. Your fence is more than a barrier around your property, it’s a very visible feature of your home. Choosing a fence that matches the aesthetic of the house is important, and only after you know what style of fence you’ll install will you be able to determine the correct height.
  • Think about the purpose of the fence. Are you trying to keep pets and children contained? Do you need to keep intruders out? Or are you just interested in improving your curb appeal? Defining the purpose of your fence will help you determine the right height.
    • If you need to contain kids and dogs: Look for a fence your dog can’t jump or climb over, and that no one can reach over to grab a child. 4-6 feet is about average.
    • To protect your home from intruders: A casual intruder will be deterred by 6 feet, but if you’re worried about motivated burglars, 8 feet might be better.
    • If you have a pool: Check the local ordinances and pool code. Typically, pool fences are at least 4 feet high, with safety precautions in place to keep kids from climbing them or going through them.
    • If your fence is going to go around a garden: 3 to 4 feet should be tall enough to keep small animals out of your garden.
    • When you’re installing a fence for privacy: Choose a material like wood or vinyl to block the view from outside the fence. Then go for a fence that’s at least 7 or 8 feet tall.
    • If you’re simply trying to establish the property line: This kind of fence is typically short, usually between 3 and 6 feet high.
  • Consider the rules and regulations. Apart from all the other factors, you must abide by the local regulations set by governmental agencies or your HOA.

If you’re ready for a new fence, call Paramount Fence Inc. for professional installation. At Paramount, we’ve been in business for over ten years, but our combined experience in the fence industry spans more than half a century! We’re a full-service fence sales and fence installation business in the Chicagoland area, and we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Our staff offers exceptional customer service, striving to exceed your expectations throughout the fence buying and fence installation process. Paramount Fence Inc is a member of the American Fence Association and the Better Business Bureau. For more information on how we can help you find the right fence, call us at 630.239.2714 or contact us through our website.

The post What’s the Right Fence Height? appeared first on Paramount Fence.

Four Reasons to Install Residential Fencing in Winter

Four Reasons to Install Residential Fencing in Winter

Find out the reasons you should install residential fencing in the winter.

If you’re considering getting residential fencing for your home, you might be thinking that spring is the best time for your installation. However, you might be better off getting started a little earlier. Winter presents a unique opportunity for people looking to install their fences. Find out the reasons you should install residential fencing in the winter.

Save Money by Installing Residential Fencing in Winter

You can often get a better price on residential fencing if you have it installed in the off season. You can get end-of-season savings on your fencing products, meaning you can get a higher-quality fence even if you’re on a lower budget.

You can also have more time with professional fencing contractors to help you figure out what fence is best for you. They’ll also be able to tell you the best ways for you to save money on your installation.

Get Your Residential Fencing Installed Faster

Many homeowners think you should wait until spring or summer for your residential fencing installation, but why not get ahead of the game? When you install your fence in winter, you beat the spring and summer rush, meaning there won’t be as many people who are trying to get their fences done.

As a result, you get your appointment faster, and you’re also likely to have a larger work crew working for you because fencing companies don’t have as many clients in the winter.

Your Landscape Will Be Safe

If you’re concerned about harming your landscape during the installation process, winter is the best time to get your residential fencing installed. During winter, your landscape will be more dormant. This means it will be harder to damage your landscape during this time.

If you want to re-landscape your yard, installing your fence during the winter means that you can begin planting as soon as spring arrives.

Enjoy the Spring

Speaking of spring, who wants to spend their time installing a fence when you could be enjoying the gorgeous weather? That’s possibly the most significant benefit for doing your residential fencing installation in the winter. You get the work done ahead of time so that when the weather warms up, you’re already done. You’re less likely to be outside when it’s cold and bitter outside anyway, so use this opportunity to build your fence now so that it will be ready when you want to go outside in the warmer months of spring and summer.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Four Reasons to Install Residential Fencing in Winter appeared first on Hercules Fence.

When to Use Temporary Fencing


When to Use Temporary Fencing

There are many scenarios in which temporary fencing will be your best fencing option.

Temporary fencing, to put it simply, is fencing that isn’t permanently installed, and it can be removed easily. For fencing that’s not meant to last long, you might wonder why it would ever be more useful than fencing that will last much longer. But temporary fencing has its uses. There are many scenarios in which temporary fencing will be your best fencing option.

Construction Sites

Construction sites are a common place for temporary fences to be used. Many dangers are on a construction site, and having a border that keeps people away from the danger is perfect. However, once the construction project is done, you won’t need that border anymore. Temporary fences can serve their purpose during construction, then be removed easily once the project is finished.

Temporary Fencing for Traveling Fairs

Perhaps you’ve seen a traveling fair show up near where you live before. They offer various attractions and concessions that bring plenty of enjoyment to many places. Temporary fences are used at these fairs to separate the various areas of the fair. It also makes admissions easier by using gated fences that prevent people from sneaking into the fair without a ticket.

Temporary Fencing for Races

Whether it’s a small town race or a larger racing marathon in a big city, temporary fences are useful for marking pathways for the runners and crowds who show up.

Temporary Fencing for Remodeling

In a similar manner to construction sites, homes can benefit from temporary fences whenever there’s remodeling happening. House projects create a lot of debris, and they are not always a safe place for everyone. Temporary fencing helps maintain the integrity of the workplace, keep out unwanted guests and critters, and keep all of the tools needed for the job on the premises.


Temporary fencing isn’t just for big businesses. People’s homes can benefit from some fencing as well. Large-scale landscaping projects can often benefit from a fence’s protection. As an example, if you’re sodding your yard, you can use temporary fencing to keep critters off of your land.

Weddings and Other Private Gatherings

Outdoor and backyard gatherings are getting more popular, and these types of events benefit greatly from temporary fencing. You can create a barrier that separates your gathering from everywhere else, giving your party more privacy. The border fencing creates keeps all of your guests in one area, which is especially important if there is alcohol at the event. You can also prevent unwanted guests from crashing your party.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post When to Use Temporary Fencing appeared first on Hercules Fence.

3 of The Most Important Factors For Your Backyard Fence

Are you looking into putting a fence around your backyard? There are plenty of reasons to do this, from protecting your home to keeping your children and pets safe. You might have a pool you need to fence in or a garden to protect, or you might just want to shield your backyard from the prying eyes of neighbors. There are plenty of different fences on the market, and whether it’s for privacy, security, or safety, there are three important factors to consider before you install a backyard fence.

  • First, consider the material you want for your fence. There are many different types of fences out there, including wood, vinyl, aluminum, and wrought iron. Each of these materials comes with its own price point and maintenance requirements, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with all of the materials you’re considering before you move forward with installing a fence.
  • Style is another important factor. Your fence is a very visible feature of your home, so it’s important to choose a fence that matches the style of your house. New houses require new fence designs, colonial and ranch homes benefit from something classic like a picket fence, and stately homes look amazing surrounded by wrought iron.
  • The type of fence you install depends largely on the purpose of the fence. If you’re looking for privacy, you might want to install a tall fence made of wood or vinyl, which will shield your property from view. A vinyl fence is a great waterproof option to go around a pool, while a chain link fence will work well to keep small animals out of your garden. Chain link is also a good and inexpensive option for keeping dogs contained, and offers about a 65 percent return on investment. If you’re trying to keep kids safe, make sure to choose a fence that’s hard to climb and tall enough to keep people from reaching over it.

No matter what kind of fence you decide will work best on your property, when you’re ready to commit to it, call Paramount Fence Inc. for professional installation. At Paramount, we’ve been in business for over ten years, but our combined experience in the fence industry spans more than half a century! We’re a full-service fence sales and fence installation business in the Chicagoland area, and we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Our staff offers exceptional customer service, striving to exceed your expectations throughout the fence buying and fence installation process. Paramount Fence Inc is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information on how we can help you find the right fence to meet your needs, call us at 630.239.2714 or contact us through our website.

The post 3 of The Most Important Factors For Your Backyard Fence appeared first on Paramount Fence.

Keep Your Fence Looking Fresh and New All Year Long

The sun, rain, snow and wind can really beat up your fence during the varied weather patterns that hit the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana region. Maintaining your fence, no matter what material it is, can add to its longevity and keep it looking its best.

Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing is durable and has little maintenance, but that does not mean there is not something you can do to keep it nice. First and foremost, is to just survey your fencing when the seasons change. This just takes the amount of time to walk around your yard to make sure that there is not any damage or loose areas. If you have any concerns about what you see, contact us to review any problems. Pay special attention to the fence caps, which can be affected by freezing and thawing and wind.

The main work that needs to be done with PVC or vinyl materials is cleaning the panels consistently. While a rinse with a hose is sufficient, a wipe down with a diluted gentle household cleanser and sponge hands-on should be done at least once a year to help stop staining and growth of plants, such as algae.

Wrought-Iron Fencing

The worry with wrought-iron is rust, so if you stay on top of this, you can enjoy the beauty of your fencing today and in the future. Inspections are very important for this type of material. You should look for loose hardware or footings, cracks, damage and of course, rust. Sanding off areas of rust with a fine wire brush is important to keep it from spreading to other areas.

Cleaning gently is also key to the life of wrought-iron. A small compact brush, such as a toothbrush, can help get into crevices and corners. Protection can help keep rust away. Water repellent or another protective coating such as a car wax can help keep water off the fencing and prevent the weather elements from getting in.

Wood Fencing

Wood can be vulnerable to not only rotting areas but also an insect infestation. A careful inspection is essential for any homeowner with a wood fence. Check for broken or rotting panels, loose nails, general damage, loose posts from soil erosion and overgrowth of plants up to the fencing that may cause moisture to be trapped. Sprinklers should be directed away from wood fencing as the water can cause discoloration. As long as water is beading on the material, then you are good to go. If it starts soaking in, it is time to re-paint, re-stain or re-seal the material.

It May Be Time For Something New

No matter how much work is put into maintenance, time can be the ultimate game-changer. As the years go on, materials can just break down. If you would like to review your options for a new fence, visit our online form to connect with a member of our team at Fence Masters.

The post appeared first on Fence Masters

The Top 3 Low-Maintenance Fencing Options for your Home

The Top 3 Low-Maintenance Fencing Options for your Home

If you’re looking for low-maintenance fencing, find out about the three most popular varieties here.

Something you may not know is that most people spend around $2600 for a fence. When you put that much money into a fence, you want to get as much bang for your buck as you can. Fortunately, there are several fencing materials from which to choose, including wood, composite, chain-link, and others. If you’re looking for low-maintenance fencing, find out about the three most popular varieties here.

Chain-Link Fences

Chain-link fences are a cost-effective, low-maintenance fencing option. They are durable and can last for several years with proper care. The beauty is that chain-link fences don’t require too much care. All you need to do is make sure it doesn’t rust, look for any wear and tear, and keep debris off of the fence.

Wood Fences

Wooden fences offer the most versatility among all low-maintenance fencing options. They are a sought-after practical fencing choice. Not only is this a low-maintenance fencing solution, but it can also give your home for aesthetic appeal while simultaneously raising your home’s privacy and safety.

You can get a wood fence made from various types of wood, including cedar and redwood. To properly maintain your fence, you have to get it stained and sealed once it’s installed. It should also be pressure washed annually so that there is no mildew buildup.

Ornamental Iron Fences

Ornamental iron fences harmoniously combine aesthetic appeal with security. They come in extravagant designs that add that extra layer of elegance and class to your outdoor landscape. This low-maintenance fencing option only demands a few tasks from you. You should apply a protective wax to your fence so it won’t rust. If it has already begun to rust, use a steel wood and some kerosene to get rid of it. After that, put a protective seal on the fence, and it will be like new again.

How Do I Know Which Fence to Get?

It’s not easy to know which low-maintenance fencing option to pick. But, there are questions to ask yourself so you can have a better idea of what you want. Ask yourself how tall the fence should be if you want it for appeal or security and if the fence has to protect any pets or small children. Your fence will have a purpose, and knowing that purpose will help you choose which material to use for the installation. It will also be important to consider the budget.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post The Top 3 Low-Maintenance Fencing Options for your Home appeared first on Hercules Fence.

Why Winter is the Best Time to Install a Fence

As you’re performing routine household maintenance this fall, you might notice that your fence is not in the best possible shape. If it needs replacing, there’s no need to wait until spring. In fact, there are plenty of reasons to get this job done during the winter months.

  • In the winter, branches and bushes are more manageable. It’s easier to trim greenery when it’s not covered in leaves, which makes the process more efficient.
  • If you’ve been relying on your greenery for privacy, a fence can keep you unseen in the winter. When your trees and shrubs aren’t covered in leaves, it will be easier for people to see into your yard. Putting up a new fence can compensate for this loss of cover.
  • It’s easier to get a fence installed in winter. Contractors aren’t as busy in winter, because many homeowners don’t realize it’s such a great time to get a new fence. There’s a good chance you can go to the head of the line, getting your fence installed much more quickly because you won’t have to wait like you would in the spring.
  • You’ll have your new fence in time for winter weather. If your old fence is damaged, it’s best to get it replaced as soon as possible. Winter storms will cause even more damage to a fence that’s in disrepair, but your new fence will hold up in the rough weather. Especially if you need the fence for security or to keep dogs in your yard, it’s smart to get that new fence up before winter hits.
  • It’s best to get a new fence when you don’t have much planned in your backyard. Winter is not a prime time for outdoor activities, which makes it the perfect time for fence installation.
  • If you’re getting a new best friend for Christmas, it’s the perfect time to get a new fence. Sometimes people get puppies as holiday gifts. If this is your plan, your yard will be ready!

If you’re ready for a new fence this winter, call Paramount Fence Inc. for professional installation. At Paramount, we’ve been in business for over ten years, but our combined experience in the fence industry spans more than half a century! We’re a full-service fence sales and fence installation business in the Chicagoland area, and we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Our staff offers exceptional customer service, striving to exceed your expectations throughout the fence buying and fence installation process. We provide high-quality, beautiful fences, and our reputation for excellence is well-established. Paramount Fence Inc is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information on how we can help you find the right fence to meet your needs, call us at 630.239.2714 or contact us through our website.

The post Why Winter is the Best Time to Install a Fence appeared first on Paramount Fence.

Three Perks of Iron Ornamental Fencing

Three Perks of Iron Ornamental Fencing

See the many benefits your yard gets from installing iron ornamental fencing.

If you’re a homeowner looking to keep your yard safe, or if you just want to add a decorative new feature to your outdoor landscape, there are many fences you can choose. Each fence has its list of pros and cons, but we recommend you go with iron ornamental fencing? An iron ornamental fence offers a durable and easily maintainable border that will protect your yard from unwanted guests, and it can be stylish as well. See the many benefits your yard gets from installing iron ornamental fencing.

Security and Privacy

Iron ornamental fencing gives your yard a protective border. Iron is very durable and shields you from unwanted guests and pests. The material can’t be broken or torn down very easily, so it will last for a long time. You can even get thick iron panels that give your yard a greater sense of privacy. With iron ornamental fencing, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your yard is protected from anything that threatens your outdoor landscape.

Aesthetic Appeal

Out of all fencing options you could pick, ornamental fencing is one of the most aesthetically pleasing varieties. You can customize ornamental fencing for whatever wants and needs you have. Whenever you install an iron ornamental fence on your property, it will catch the eye of people in your neighborhood. It will improve the landscape design of your house, which also makes it easier to make a profit from your home if you plan to sell one day. Just because a fence has good functionality, that doesn’t mean it can’t look stylish as well.

Higher Property Value

Speaking of selling, when you have a highly functional and equally appealing ornamental fence, expect the value of your home to go up. Since iron ornamental fencing is strong and durable, it will look good for several years. Also, if you plan to sell your house one day, having a functional and attractive-looking fence already installed on the property will encourage potential buyers to make a purchase. The price you pay for your fence is nothing compared to the value it adds to your home, making an iron ornamental fence a fantastic financial investment.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Three Perks of Iron Ornamental Fencing appeared first on Hercules Fence.

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