Month: May 2021

Mistakes People Can Make During Fence Staining

Mistakes People Can Make During Fence Staining

Fence staining is a fairly simple process that can completely alter the look of your wooden fence, but there are some common mistakes we see that you should be sure to avoid.

Imagine this: your fence is structurally sound and just as you want it. It offers you all the security and privacy you could ever ask for. It’s in great condition, and there’s no reason to replace it. However, you really just don’t love the color of the wood and are thinking about staining it. Fence staining is a fairly simple process that can completely alter the look of your wooden fence, but there are some common mistakes we see that you should be sure to avoid.

Poor Timing

Once you have your new fence installed, it may be easy to neglect getting the staining done. After all, you’re getting what you need from your fence, so why bother with fence staining? As great as staining may look, it also has the practical purpose of helping protect the wood from the elements. Lumber these days can crack when it dries out after installation, so it’s important that you get it installed between two and six weeks after it’s constructed. After all, waiting too long for fence staining may mean that your wooden fence is going to be neglected, become grey, develop cracks, or start to warp.

Not Enough Prep

It’s important to put in enough effort to guarantee that your finish is going to have the best look and feel possible. If you’ve neglected to get your wooden fence stained, it may have little black speckles dotting the surface—which is actually mold. Alternatively, you may see some green, which is algae. That all needs to be removed, or your staining job won’t stick. Clean up the area and for the duration that you’re going to be applying the stain, make sure you’ve cleared the area of grass and any other shrubbery.

The Wrong Products

You don’t want to ruin all that hard work with an inferior product. Be sure you choose a stain that is high-quality, and typically people go with an oil-based stain if you’re staining a deck for the first time. If you’re fixing an older, already-stained deck, a water-based stain might be more desirable. Those are just general rules however, you’ll want to talk to an expert installer to figure out what staining option is right for you.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Mistakes People Can Make During Fence Staining appeared first on Hercules Fence.

What You Should Know Regarding Fence Height

What You Should Know Regarding Fence Height

Here is what you should know about fence height regulations.

When you have a fence or are considering installing one, you always need to keep fence height regulations in the back of your mind. These regulations will determine what kinds of fences you can and cannot install. If you don’t follow these regulations, there are going to be consequences, such as possibly having your fence taken down. You want to avoid getting into any trouble, so abiding by the rules is a must. Here is what you should know about fence height regulations.

Why Is Fence Height So Important?

Of all of the regulations pertaining to fences, height is definitely one of the strictest. Other features of fences, such as style, are sometimes more flexible, depending on where you live. However, fence height will always come with regulations, no matter where you are.

How is the Final Height of a Fence Measured?

The grade at your fence’s base is where measurements begin, and you measure all the way up to your fence’s highest point. Make sure to include any and all accessories of your fence in the height total, such as decorative components like lattice or even gaps you have in the middle.

There are exceptions to these rules, however. If your fence is perched on a retaining wall, for example, you will usually be allowed to start the measurement at your top finished grade up until the highest point your fence has.

Keep in mind that fence heights will almost always include accessories unless legislation specifically states otherwise. Because of this, you need to keep accessories in mind before you complete your installation.

How Tall is a Fence Allowed to Be?

The maximum fence height you can have will vary based on your area because there aren’t any national or state regulations in place at the moment. If you want to get confirmation on what fences are acceptable to build in your area, you will want to speak with your County and City planning departments. They are the enforcers for all of the code restrictions in effect, and they are also the ones to ask for permits if you need them.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post What You Should Know Regarding Fence Height appeared first on Hercules Fence.

How You Could Get Your Fence Decorated

hercules fence decorative fence

Adding some flower beds to your fence is a great way to make it stand out.

Putting up a decorative fence is one of the last finishing touches people will put on their home. In fact, fences will ultimately provide a home with privacy, security, and elegance. The reality is, no matter the style of your fence, there are some key ways to make the most out of decorative fencing to allow your property to stand out and be a compliment to the rest of the house. Here are some excellent ways you can get your fence decorated in a fun and inventive way.

Planters And Garden Walls

Incorporating plants and flowers into your fencing is an excellent way to create a unique decorative addition to your fence. In fact, fences are a fantastic way to hold a variety of vertical planters of all shapes and sizes. This means, you can create a lovely green space and unique garden without necessarily having a green thumb. Ultimately, if you are looking for fun ways to refresh your home, look no further than investing in some fun planters and garden walls by incorporating your fence into the design aspect of things. 

Repurposed Picture Frames

If you want a more unique decoration, then consider going to a thrift store to get a picture frame to repurpose. In fact, finding a slew of cheap picture frames can allow you to easily spray paint them a bold and inspiring color. Doing so will be an incredible way to arrange them along your fence to provide an aesthetic that is simply all unique.

Incredibly Modern Fencing Murals

Modern fence murals are a great way to be as innovative as you can when it comes to your fence as a whole. In fact, whether it’s wooden or brick, it can really benefit from a mural around it. This is a great way to use your creativity and decorate your fence successfully and effectively. 

Bottom Line

At the end of the day, there is nothing better than decorative fencing in your yard. In fact, flexing your creative skills is an excellent way to make the most out of it that can easily complement your property and home as a whole.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post How You Could Get Your Fence Decorated appeared first on Hercules Fence.

Thinking About Fencing That is Suitable for Children

Thinking About Fencing That is Suitable for Children

Consider these types of fencing for your yard if you have children.

It’s always important to keep children safe, even if they are just playing in your yard. It would be tragic to have them get hurt because they wandered too far from home. It’s for this reason that fencing is advised anytime you have a family with small children. Fences help keep children from leaving the yard unsupervised while also protecting your house from unwelcome guests who may try to invade the property.

But what fence is best suited for a family with small children? There are a few options that get proposed, and we’ll be going over each one in detail. Consider these types of fencing for your yard if you have children.

Privacy Fencing

A little privacy is always appreciated around your yard. With privacy fencing, you can enjoy your yard in peace. Children can play in the yard to their heart’s content, and neighbors won’t be disturbed.

Vinyl is a good choice for privacy fences because it’s a durable and long-lasting material with very few maintenance requirements. It can also reach a respectable height that will keep your yard secluded.

Metal Fencing

If security is at the top of your priority list, metal fences are a fantastic option. It’s very difficult to cut through metal, and kids can’t get between the bars to bypass the fence.

If you use aluminum as the fencing material, it will be lighter than iron, and you can get your fence in many different designs to complement your outdoor landscape.

Iron fences let you achieve a more classical appearance. Also, although more maintenance will be needed to keep an iron fence in good shape, weathering will only serve to give it even more style.

It’s Safer to Get a Tall Fence

Generally speaking, the taller a fence is, the better it will be when you have small children running around your yard. Taller fences keep children from climbing over them, meaning they will be safely inside your yard at all times where you can monitor them. Consider having plants installed around your fence so that it looks more lively and beautiful.

Let Hercules Fence Help Set Up The Perfect Fence For You

Hercules Fence takes pride in being experts in residential, commercial, and high-security fencing. We have been serving our clients since 1955, with only the most knowledgeable of staff. Our staff is ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland.

Visit our website to see how we can be of service to you. Also, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to stay up to date with our latest news.

The post Thinking About Fencing That is Suitable for Children appeared first on Hercules Fence.

4 Ways Your Fence Adds to Property Value

Fences have grown to be a prominent staple in many American communities. It’s becoming increasingly rare to drive through residential neighborhoods and find more than a quarter of homes without a fence. In fact, more and more buyers are beginning to pass up homes that do not have a high-quality fence already professionally installed on the property. The type of fence doesn’t particularly matter to these buyers; merely having the containment already available without lengthy lead times and the inconvenience of installation while settling into their new property is enticing and increases their willingness to pay more for your home. 

While it’s widely known that having a fence professionally installed does wonders for your home and property value, have you ever stopped to consider just how it delivers this return on investment? Today, the experts at Fence Masters are taking a deep dive into the value fencing has on residential properties and spelling out just what a new fence can do for you when it’s time to sell your home.


When initially thinking about installing a fence, your primary concern is likely how effective it will be in performing the desired job. This is also of high importance and interest for those looking for a new home. However, a fence that offers both functionality – whether that be to keep small children and pets safe or keep unwanted visitors out – and aesthetics is a bonus. Fence Masters works diligently to provide residents of the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana areas with attractive and functional fences, allowing them to have secure and beautiful yards. 


Home upgrades and enhancements are the most effective ways to add property value. These renovations can get pricey, especially when you delve into projects such as floor replacements, countertop installations, and appliance upgrades. For those looking not to spend an arm and a leg on renovations, there is fence installation. As one of the more straightforward and affordable home improvement projects available, installing a brand new fence gives your property value a boost financially while also making it more functionally attractive to those on the market for a new family and pet-friendly home. 


As we mentioned, many prospective buyers are looking to get into their new homes as quickly as possible with as few updates, renovations, and installations as possible. A new or recently-updated fence adds significant interest value to your property, effectively drawing in buyers and helping to sell your home quicker and at a higher price.


There is an adjustment period that comes with purchasing a new home. It takes time to feel entirely comfortable and safe in a new home. When there’s a high-quality fence already installed on a property, it’s easier to feel confident in a new home’s security. Regardless of the material, a fence adds an extra layer of protection to a property, helping to keep uninvited guests out and your loved ones in.

Ready to add to the value of your residential property? Contact the experts at Fence Masters to discuss your fence options and receive a free estimate. We’re excited to help you create an attractive, secure yard.

The post appeared first on Fence Masters

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