Getting a Wood Fence Ready to Be Painted

Getting a Wood Fence Ready to Be Painted

Getting a Wood Fence Ready to Be Painted

To help ensure your wood fence painting project goes well, here is how to get prepared for it.

While painting a wood fence sounds like a simple task, it’s actually more complicated than it appears to be. You can’t simply run a paint brush down your fence and call it a day. There are many factors that have to be brought into consideration, such as what kind of paint you use and how the weather is during painting. To help ensure your wood fence painting project goes well, here is how to get prepared for it.

Tend to the Grass

Not all parts of the painting process involve the fence directly. For example, you need to prepare your lawn before starting to paint. Make sure the lawn is cut so that it doesn’t cover the bottom portions of your wood fence. Also, after trimming the grass, put some plywood between the fence and your grass. It will serve as a barrier to stop paint from getting on your lawn.

Get Your Equipment Ready

There are many pieces of equipment you’ll need when painting your wood fence. Equipment you’ll need includes tarps, ladders, and gloves. To make things easier on yourself, get the equipment ready beforehand. This means you won’t have to spend time gathering all of your materials later on.

Get Repairs Finished Before You Begin to Paint

Before you start painting, you should take care of any damage your wood fence has. Painting a fence is pointless if the fence itself is not in good condition.

Therefore, you should take a moment to observe your fence for signs of damage. If you notice problems, like broken boards or loose screws, you should get those problems fixed so your fence is in top form when you start painting.

Think About Your Climate

Your climate is going to influence the frequency at which you paint. For areas that experience frequent rainfall, repainting every other year is preferred at the minimum.

If you don’t know when you last painted your wood fence, throw a little water on the surface. Fences that absorb the water will require repainting, while fences that make the water bead up should be fine.

The post Getting a Wood Fence Ready to Be Painted appeared first on Hercules Fence.

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