How to Tell Your Wood Fence Has to Be Repaired

How to Tell Your Wood Fence Has to Be Repaired

How to Tell Your Wood Fence Has to Be Repaired

If you’re worried that it might be time to repair your wood fence, read on to discover some of the signs that could be indicators of problems that require repairs.

If you’re seeking a traditional look, it’s natural that you’d land on a wooden fence. A wood fence is simply timeless, and it can also offer a good deal of security, privacy, and help you keep an eye on your children or pets. However, as great as your wood fence may be, they will degrade over time since they’re made of a natural material. It may eventually be the case that you have to look into wood fence repairs. If you’re worried that it might be time to repair your wood fence, read on to discover some of the signs that could be indicators of problems that require repairs.

Damaged Fencing

The clearest sign that you need fence repair is fairly obvious: broken sections or downed boards. High winds or personal accidents may be the cause, but if there isn’t any clear reason that part of your fencing is so damaged, it may be the case that your wood fence is getting up there in its age and more sections may need to be replaced. You can patch any problem areas, but it’s also a good reason to give your whole fence an inspection.

Swaying Boards

If heavy winds are causing your boards to sway, that’s a bad sign. Strong, healthy fence posts should only slightly shutter, even under the heaviest winds. Once the wood degrades, however, that shuttering becomes more apparent. If you can tell when looking at your wood fence, it’s a sign that you should contact a fence repair pro. They can see if your fence needs additional support or if there’s another issue that must be resolved.

Moisture in Wood

Ideally, wood in your fence should be kept at a distance from soil. Otherwise, moisture can begin to find its way into your wood fence. Sometimes, this can happen when a fence begins to bow and bend, touching the ground more and causing rot. You can also end up getting mold or mildew issues and eventually, the wood breaks down and may even change color.

Pests Moving In

Your wood should be treated to help withstand pest infestation, but nonetheless, it can become a problem over time. If you see any signs of pests, that may be a sign you should call a pro fence repair company. Catching pests early enough can help prevent further damage, so be on the lookout for issues.

The post How to Tell Your Wood Fence Has to Be Repaired appeared first on Hercules Fence.

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